
  • 网络Nine-Power Treaty
  1. 图为欧洲华侨组织代表团向九国公约会议请愿、求制裁侵略者的新闻报道。

    The photo shows news coverage of a delegation from Overseas Chinese organizations in Europe petitioning a meeting of the Nine Convention Countries to impose sanctions against the Japanese aggressors .

  2. 九国公约的作用,是以几个帝国主义国家共同控制中国来代替日本独占中国的局面。

    The aim of this treaty was to create a situation in which the imperialist powers had joint control of China and it actually cleared the way for exclusive domination by the U.

  3. 哈定总统利用国际条约从政治、军事、经济全方位遏制日本,通过华盛顿会议签署《九国公约》,使门户开放原则为列强承认和接受。门户开放政策的实施达到巅峰。

    Using international treaties , the president Harding contained Japan from the political , military , economic ail-roundly , which made the Open Door principle was recognized and accepted by The big powers , The Open Door policy reached the peak .