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jiǔ tiān
  • Nine days;the Ninth Heaven;the highest of heavens
九天 [jiǔ tiān]
  • [the Ninth Heaven;the highest of heavens] 天的最高处,形容极高。传说古代天有九重。也作九重天、九霄

  • 驰至九天。--唐. 李朝威《柳毅传》

九天[jiǔ tiān]
  1. 要是讲公道,那要首先降低你的薪水,因为你不只是在九天之上嘛!

    If you want to be fair , cut your own salary first because you are far above " the ninth heaven "!

  2. 你说工人在九天之上,那你梁漱溟在那一天之上呢?

    You say the workers are " up in the ninth heaven ", then in which heaven are you , Liang Shu-ming ?

  3. 这支乐队目前正在法国进行九天的巡回演出。

    The band is currently on a nine-day tour of France .

  4. 她一连缺席了九天。

    She was absent for nine consecutive days .

  5. 跳舞那种错综曲折,叫人快乐得如登九天。

    The mazes of the dance were ecstatic .

  6. 欧巴马的九天行程始于檀香山亚太经合组织(Asia-PacificEconomicCooperation,APEC)领导人会议,这是18年来,美国首次主办由21个成员组成的APEC峰会。

    Obama opened the trip with the21-member Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Leaders ' Meeting in Honolulu , which was hosted by the United States for the first time in18 years .

  7. 有时锅里的食物能待上很长时间,因而出现了顺口溜:Peasporridgehot,peasporridgecold,peasporridgeinthepotninedaysold(热豆粥,凉豆粥,锅里的豆粥九天喽!)。

    in it , that had been there for quite a while -- hence the rhyme , " peas porridge hot , peas porridge6 ) cold , peas porridge in the pot nine days old . "

  8. 在第九天,他们选择让她离开人间--Drucker女士,一个家庭的妻子,母亲,和祖母。

    And at about the nine day mark , they let her go -- Mrs. Drucker , a wife , a mother and a grandmother .

  9. 结果表明E的抑制作用非常显著,在不影响细胞正常生长的药物浓度200μg·mL-1下,于实验第九天对HBsAg和HBeAg的抑制率分别为90.9%和84.3%。

    The results showed that E had obvious inhibition on HBsAg and HBeAg on the sixth experimental day , whose inhibiting rate on HBsAg and HBeAg are 90.9 % and 84.3 % ( consistency : 200 μ g / ml ) .

  10. 凯伦·朱阿韦尔(KarenDreaver)向威廉介绍自己的女儿埃米莉,她也是七月出生,只比乔治小九天。凯伦说:“我们说起将来埃米莉和乔治会是非常般配的一对。”

    Karen Dreaver , who introduced William to her daughter Emily , who was born just nine days after George last July , said : " We mentioned how well-paired she and George would be in the future .

  11. 他遭枪击后九天因伤重身亡。

    He died from his wounds nine days after the shooting .

  12. 九天与九神考

    Textual research on the nine heavens and the nine gods

  13. 不过,第九天(10月5日),史蒂夫•乔布斯突然逝世。

    Then , on day 9 , Steve Jobs died .

  14. 他们九天的蜜月在意大利卡普里岛渡过。

    Their nine-day-long honeymoon was on the isle of Capri .

  15. 豌豆粥在罐子里放了九天。

    Pease porridge in the pot , nine days old .

  16. 有些人喜欢在锅子里放的九天的。

    Some like it in the pot nine days old .

  17. 阿美:加上星期六和星期天,九天假。

    May : 9 days , plus Saturday and Sunday .

  18. 第九天,会给玉皇大帝奉上祭品。

    The ninth day is to make offerings to the Jade Emperor .

  19. 以色列在过去的九天里保持着暧昧的态度。

    Israel has remained ambiguous on the matter over the past nine days .

  20. 我每九天有两天休息。

    I get two days off every nine days .

  21. 他在这儿住了九天了。

    He has lived here for nine days .

  22. 实际上他九天就卖出了这么多。

    He sold that many in nine days .

  23. 鹰翔九天,但是鼬鼠从不会卷入飞机引擎。

    Eagles may soar , but weasels don 't get sucked into jet engines .

  24. 要是礼拜五开始呢,会持续九天。

    Nine days if it starts on friday .

  25. 而九天,或许十天之前

    and nine , maybe ten days ago

  26. 一只蟑螂没有头可以生存九天,然后它才饥饿而死。

    A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death .

  27. 第九天:乘坐早上的巴士来到浦东机场,准备回美国。

    Day9 : Early morning bus ride to Pudong Airport then back to the States .

  28. 我们在曼谷、芭提雅、新加坡和吉隆坡度过了美妙的九天。

    We spent nine fabulous days in Bangkok , Pattaya , Singapore & Kuala Lumpur .

  29. 我们的婚姻只维持九天。

    We were only married nine days .

  30. 随着奥运开幕仅剩九天,高军还在为比赛做着准备。

    With nine days before Opening Ceremonies , Gao still is readying for the Games .