
  1. 九头蛇周:九头蛇产量加倍。

    Week of hydra : double growth for Hydras and chaos hydras .

  2. 这是一个好消息,预示了与他们将来的九头蛇芯片产品。

    This is good news and bodes well for the future of products with the Hydra chip on them .

  3. 九头蛇被视为正义的障碍物。

    Hyrda was regarded as an obstacle to justice .

  4. 我(美国队长)绝不会加入九头蛇,不可能!

    I 'm not going HYDRA-side , no way ..

  5. 九头蛇-强敌的征服。

    Hydra-the conquest of a very powerful enemy .

  6. 阿尼的妹妹许德拉是一个九头蛇妖,她的上半身和人一样,而且十分美丽;

    The sister of Nemean was Hydra who was also a monster of a snake with nine heads .

  7. 毫无怜悯地,克瑞托斯将钥匙从船长脖子上一把拽下,把他一脚踹进了九头蛇的肚子里面。

    Without mercy , Kratos rips the key from the captains necklace and lets him fall to the Hydras stomach .

  8. 可是与此同时,许多粉丝似乎不是特别同意这一改变,他们发起了一项名为“#队长向九头蛇说不”的运动:

    In the meantime , however , it seems like some fans aren 't especially amenable to the change , starting the hashtag \# SayNoToHydraCap :

  9. 是的,就是九头蛇,那个在《美国队长》系列电影前三部中出场的邪恶组织,也是美国队长在漫画中最古老的敌人(而不是纳粹德国)。

    Yes , that HYDRA - the ostensible villain of all three Marvel cinematic universe movies bearing the captain 's name , and his oldest enemy in the comics ( other than possibly Nazi Germany ) .