
  • 网络jiufeng;Jiufeng Mountain;Kubongsan
  1. 结合盆地烃源岩的地质地化特征推断,杨D1井原油潜在的烃源岩可能是上侏罗统九峰山组。

    From geology and geochemical characteristics of the basin , the authors hold that oil of Well Yang-D1 is probably derived from Jiufengshan Formation of Upper Jurassic .

  2. 九峰山地区天然植被保存完整,动植物资源颇为丰富。

    In this paper , the resources of animals and plants in Jiufengshan area were expounded .

  3. 本文对嫩江断裂两侧九峰山组在构造位置、沉积构成、盖层、成因环境分析等方面进行了对比分析,进而指出不同的找煤方向。

    According to the comparable analysis on six sides , such as , the geological structure position , deposit , the surrounding of formation reason est .