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jiǔ zú
  • the nine degrees of kinship;nine clans:a system of grading kin and relatives
  • patriarchal clan
九族 [jiǔ zú]
  • [patriarchal clan] 血缘相近的亲族,宗族

  • 九族无可继承者。--清. 袁枚《祭妹文》

  1. 九族文化村门票请保存好,缆车下车后还须再凭票验证入园。

    Please keep the FACV ticket well for it is the admission to enter the park .

  2. 即使吃某种特定的(比如说是加工的)食品太多会提高罹患病症风险的说法是真的,搞株连九族、让一切都系上标签的做法只会导致“警示疲劳”。

    And even if it may be true that eating too much of a certain food like processed meat increases a person 's risk of cancer , putting labels on everything will just lead to " warning fatigue " .