
  • 网络Shunem
  1. 一日,以利沙走到书念,在那里有一个大户的妇人强留他吃饭。

    And it fell on a day , that Elisha passed to Shunem , where was a great woman ; and she constrained him to eat bread .

  2. 一名牧师照着祈祷书念祷文。

    A clergyman read the liturgy from the prayer-book .

  3. 这是让每个父母都头疼的睡前惯例&被孩子央求把同一本书念上第N次。

    It 's the bedtime ritual every parent dreads - being asked to read the same book for the umpteenth time .

  4. 以利沙吩咐仆人基哈西说,你叫这书念妇人来。

    And he said to Gehazi his servant , Call this Shunammite .

  5. 又将约书念给百姓听。

    Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read it to the people .

  6. 所罗门王对他母亲说,为何单替他求书念的女子亚比煞呢?

    King Solomon answered his mother , 'Why do you request Abishag the Shunammite for Adonijah ?

  7. 他分秒必争,试着在期末考前把书念完。

    He was working against the clock to try to finish studying before the final exam .

  8. 拔示巴说,求你将书念的女子亚比煞赐给你哥哥亚多尼雅为妻。

    So she said , 'Let Abishag the Shunammite be given in marriage to your brother Adonijah . '

  9. 青年人要是书念少了,要维持生活将是很艰难的。

    Young people without enough education will have a tough row to hoe when they have to support themselves .

  10. 拔示巴进入内室见王,王甚老迈,书念的童女亚比煞正伺候王。

    So Bathsheba went to see the aged king in his room , where Abishag the Shunammite was attending him .

  11. 神人远远地看见她,对仆人基哈西说,看哪,书念的妇人来了。

    When he saw her in the distance , the man of God said to his servant Gehazi , 'Look ! There 's the Shunammite !

  12. 王就把耶和华殿里所得的约书念给他们听。

    He read in their hearing all the words of the Book of the Covenant , which had been found in the temple of the Lord .

  13. 于是在以色列全境寻找美貌的童女,寻得书念的一个童女亚比煞,就带到王那里。

    So after searching through all the land of Israel for a fair young girl , they saw Abishag the shunammite , and took her to the king .

  14. 他说,求你请所罗门王将书念的女子亚比煞赐我为妻,因他必不推辞你。

    And he said , Speak , I pray thee , unto Solomon the king ,( for he will not say thee nay ,) that he give me Abishag the Shunammite to wife .

  15. 她开始找些和中国有关的书念给小弟听,小弟每天在房子边的空地上挖洞,偶尔会发现母亲偷偷埋入的筷子或藏着签条的签饼。

    She started reading to him about China and every day he spent time digging his hole next to our house . Occasionally , he found a chopstick or fortune cookie my mother had hidden there .

  16. 无论你选择哪一种职业,良好的教育都必不可少,这世上不存在不把书念完就能拿到好工作的美梦,任何工作,都需要你的汗水、训练与学习。

    Youre going to need a good education for every single one of those careers . You cannot drop out of school and just drop into a good job . Youve got to train for it and work for it and learn for it .

  17. 你把书再念一遍。

    You read the book once again .

  18. 的确,我们都会把同类的书大声念给自己的孩子听并以此为乐,甚至是以书籍本身为乐&仅仅因为我们乐孩子们之乐。

    Of course , we have all read similar books out loud to our children and enjoyed the experience , possibly enjoyed the book itself & only because we were vicariously enjoying it through them .

  19. 你书都白念了。

    You are trained for nothing .

  20. 瑞秋:开玩笑?我书都白念了!今天的十二个面试全泡汤了。

    Rachel : Are you kidding ? I 'm trained for nothing ! I was laughed out of twelve interviews today .

  21. 他们念过书,有些还念到大学毕业。

    They read books . Several of them graduated from university .