
  • 网络two-valued logic;two value logic;two valued logic;binary logic
  1. 本文给出CB代数与Lu3代数同构的详细证明,并得到了Lukasiewivcz三值逻辑代数在二值逻辑代数上的可构造性。

    This paper gives a proof of the isomorphism theorem between C_B-algebra and Lu3-algebra . Furthermore constructibility of the Lukasiewicz three-valued logic algebra has been given by the two-valued logic algebra .

  2. 多值逻辑是由二值逻辑扩展而来的。

    Multiple - valued logic developed from two-valued logic .

  3. 用CMOS三值门电路构成的一种自校验二值逻辑系统

    On the use of CMOS ternary gates to realize a self-checking binary logic system

  4. 经典二值逻辑系统L中的MT问题

    Problem of MT in classical two-valued logical system

  5. 现有的用来描述上下文信息的本体模型,基本以基于二值逻辑的本体建模语言OWL进行构建,而OWL本身不支持不确定性推理。

    A majority of context model are constructing by OWL based on the basic binary logic . But OWL does not support uncertainty reasoning .

  6. 最后讨论了Lukasiewicz多值逻辑系统与经典二值逻辑系统中重言式之间的关系。

    At the last , discussed the relations of the tautology between Lukasiewicz many valued logic system and classical two valued system .

  7. 提出了一种基于DCT的鲁棒公开水印算法,算法利用JPEG压缩量化阶段的舍入误差,结合二值逻辑进行水印嵌入。

    In this paper , a robust public watermark algorithm in DCT domain is presented . The algorithm takes advantage of the round-off errors during the quantization step of JPEG compression and binary logic to embed the watermark .

  8. 基于液晶光阀的可编程光学二值逻辑系统

    Programmable Optical Binary Logic System Based on Liquid Crystal Light Value

  9. 本算法比较简单,适用于二值逻辑和多值逻辑。

    The algorithm is simple and suitable for2-valued and many-valued logic .

  10. 二值逻辑网络的三值模型

    On a ternary model of two-valued logic networks

  11. 给出了三值(真、假、未知)逻辑公式的模型检验算法,此算法与二值逻辑模型检验算法相比,并没有增加时间复杂度。

    This algorithm has the same time complexity compared with 2-valued logic model checking .

  12. 用二值逻辑对多值逻辑进行优化

    Optimization of Multiple-Valued Logic by Two-Valued Logic

  13. 加权布尔多项式以及具有二值逻辑变量的队决策问题的解

    Weighted Boolean Polynomial Expression and the Solution of Team Decision Problem with Binary Logical Variables

  14. 基于二值逻辑的经典数学方法在处理结构化问题时可以提供有效的决策支持。

    The classical mathematics method based on two-valued-logic can provide decision-making support for the structuralized problem .

  15. 为此本文提出了用多值逻辑代替传统的二值逻辑以提高通讯速率。

    In this paper , binary logic is replaced with multi-valued logic to increase communi-cation rate .

  16. 基于双轨逻辑,本文提出一种可级联的并行二值逻辑门。

    Based on the dual-rail logic , a cascadable parallel binary logic gate was , proposed .

  17. 消错二值逻辑研究

    Study on Two-Value-Logic of Eliminating Errors

  18. 再引入二值逻辑,基于检测阈值提出了信宿侧的感知事件概念。

    Meanwhile , a concept of detection event can be proposed based on signals detection threshold at sinks .

  19. 本文结果表明,利用矢量变换法,可以用类似于二值逻辑的方法来处理多值逻辑问题。

    It is shown that multivalued logic may be studied in analogy to binary logic under the vector transformation .

  20. 应用开关信号理论,建立了基于对称二值逻辑的传输电流开关理论。

    By applying the switch-signal theory , the theory of transmission current-switches based on symmetric binary logic is proposed .

  21. 论证了用这些门电路所构成的二值逻辑系统对所有向中型故障是完全自校验的。

    It is proven that the binary logic system realized with these gates is totally self-checking for mid-seeking faults .

  22. 肖像剪纸是利用简洁的二值逻辑表达复杂的人物形态,并且极具艺术特色的民间美术形式。

    Portrait paper-cut is a traditional Chinese art form which conveys complex characteristics of human being with concise two-value logic .

  23. 传统的二值逻辑难以适应不完全信息处理的需求,而多值逻辑能更多地捕获不完全信息的直觉含义。

    The traditional two-valued logic is difficult to deal with incomplete information while the multi-valued logic can capture more intuitive meanings .

  24. 但是,经典逻辑编程是基于二值逻辑的,它不适合于描述现实世界中的不确定、不精确或模糊信息。

    However , it is based on two-valued logic and it is not well-suited to model uncertain , imprecise and vague information in real-world problem .

  25. 计量逻辑学中的近似推理与二值逻辑中命题的条件真度理论GB/T15472-1995失真度测量仪通用技术条件和测试方法

    Approximate Reasoning in Quantitative Logic and the Theory of Conditional Truth Degree of Formulas in Classical Logic ; Generic specification and test method for distortion meters

  26. 多值逻辑可以更好地解决用二值逻辑不易解决的问题,因此有着广阔的发展前景。

    Multiple-valued logic can solve many problems easily while two-valued logic has too many difficulties to solve them , so multiple-valued logic has a bright future .

  27. 定义了与经典二值逻辑相容的蕴涵联结词,克服了条件概率不能用于推理的缺点。

    Implication connectives which are compatible with classical two-valued logic were defined , and they overcome the shortcoming that conditional probability can not be used to inference .

  28. 提出了采用基于粗糙集理论与二值逻辑运算相结合的属性约简算法以及改进的值约简算法来实施知识获取的约简,然后结合具体的故障诊断实例说明了该算法的实用性。

    By taking the rough set and duality Boolean calculation as the basis , the algorithm to conduct the fault diagnosis knowledge acquisition is researched with emphasis .

  29. 设计实例表明,在某些领域,基于该代数系统设计的二值逻辑电路具有电路结构简单、冗余态少等特点。

    The design examples show that in some areas the logic circuits based on this algebraic system have several features such as simpler circuit construction and less redundant states .

  30. 在此基础上提出了使用二值逻辑树分段逼近,判读子骨龄段,并运用内插方法获得准确骨龄,这是一种快速准确诊断骨龄的方案。

    On this basis , it is derived that first the bone age subinterval is decided with two-value logic tree and then the exact bone age is obtained with interpolation .