
  • 网络Secondary equipment;secondary installation
  1. HF公司电力二次设备营销战略研究

    Marketing Strategy Research on Electric Power Secondary Equipment of HF Corporation

  2. 基于ATP的超高压变电站二次设备防雷保护的仿真

    Simulation of secondary equipment lightning protection in EHV substation based on ATP

  3. 变电站GPS授时方式与二次设备时间同步

    Discussion on Time Synchronization between Substation GPS Timing Mode and Secondary Equipments

  4. GIS隔离开关操作对二次设备的影响

    The Effects of Operations of the Disconnector Switch on the Secondary Circuits in Gas Insulated Substations

  5. 电力二次设备行业企业集团实施ERP与ISO9000之间关系的探讨

    Discussion on relationship between ERP and ISO 9000 in electric power enterprise groups of secondary equipment industry

  6. 气体绝缘变电站(GIS)在开关操作厂会产生秀强的瞬态波过程,可通过外壳向外界辐射电磁场,对变电站二次设备的正常运行产生严重干扰。

    Due to the turning on or off operation of the circuit breakers and the disconnected switches , strong electromagnetic interference in gas-insulated substations ( GIS ) is common .

  7. 本论文从HF电气集团公司(简称HF公司)的实际出发,结合现代市场营销学理论,系统地制定出HF公司电力二次设备市场营销战略。

    I establish systematically the marketing strategy on electric power secondary Equipment for HF Electric Corporation with modern marketing theory in this thesis .

  8. IDE是变电站综合自动化系统的关键二次设备,也是支持变电站向数字化进程迈进的一个重要因素。

    IDE is the pivotal equipment in substation integrated automation system , and is an important factor of sustaining substation to develop toward digital substation .

  9. q为了将电子式互感器应用于变电站自动化系统,待解决的关键问题之一就是互感器与变电站二次设备之间的接口问题。

    For the purpose of successfully applying electronic instrument transformers to substation automation system , the most typical problem to be solved is the interface between electronic instrument transformers and substation secondary equipment .

  10. 基于IEC61850的合并单元与二次设备通信研究

    Research on Communication between Merging Unit and Secondary Devices Based on Standard IEC 61850

  11. 110kV变电站二次设备防雷技术应用

    Application of Lightning Protection Technology on Secondary Equipments in 110 kV Substation

  12. 简要介绍了气体绝缘变电站(GIS)内的电磁兼容问题和一次设备干扰二次设备的两种方式,在此基础上分析讨论了GIS电站内辐射干扰计算模型的组成和建立方法。

    The electromagnetic compatibility issue and the two ways in which primary circuits interfere with secondary circuits in Gas Insulated Substation ( GIS ) are briefly introduced . The modeling and calculation methods of radiant interference in GIS are discussed .

  13. 本文重点研究了传输线矩阵法(TLM)在电力系统二次设备屏蔽体的设计中的应用。

    The transmission line matrix method ( TLM ) about the design of the shielding of the secondary equipments in power system is mainly researched in this paper .

  14. 营口66kV系统电网结构的优化与二次设备的合理配置

    Optimization of power network structure and allocation of secondary equip-ment for Yingkou 66 kV power system

  15. 本文详细阐述了一、二次设备的构成和选型,重点介绍了TCR的原理和构成并分析了导通角度与等效电抗的关系以及谐波含量等问题。

    Both primary and secondary sides devices arc discussed minutely 、 and the paper especially introduces the principle of TRC and analyses such as the relationship between conduction angle and the equal reactor and the harmonic content , etc.

  16. 当开口三角发生接线错误时,一般会产生200V电压,将危及二次设备安全,须尽快发现和解决。

    As an error occurs for the open triangular connection , a voltage at 200 V can normally be produced . It will endanger the safety of the secondary equipment and it must be discovered and solved as soon as possible .

  17. 对某地区110kV变电站电气主接线及配电装置型式在过去十多年里的变化与发展情况进行分析,对由此而带来的变电站一、二次设备的简化与发展情况也进行了探讨。

    The change and development of main electrical connection and distribution equipment type in a 110 kV substation for the past ten years are analyzed , and the simplification and development for primary equipment and secondary equipment of such substation as a consequence are discussed as well .

  18. 发电厂及变电站二次设备分布式直流电源系统探讨

    Discussion of distributed DC supply system for power plant and substation

  19. 灵宝背靠背换流站二次设备联合测试

    Joint Tests of Control / Protection System for Lingbao Converter Station

  20. 电力系统动态仿真中二次设备的建模研究

    Modelling studies on secondary equipments in power system dynamic simulation

  21. 电力系统二次设备的接地和接地铜排的敷设

    Ground of power system secondary equipment and laying of ground copper bars

  22. 浅析电力系统一次、二次设备的防雷

    Analysis of lightning prevention of primary and secondary equipments in power system

  23. 试论如何提高变电站二次设备安措的装设质量

    Discussion on Improving the Installation Quality in Secondary Equipment 's Maintenance Prevention

  24. 基于环境应力分析的变电站二次设备可靠性评估

    Evaluation of Equipment in Power Substation Based on Stress Analysis

  25. 变电二次设备仿真培训系统平台的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation for Simulation Training System Platform of Substation Secondary Devices

  26. 红外诊断技术在二次设备状态检修中的应用

    Application of Infrared Temperature Diagnosis Technique on Condition-based Maintenance of Electrical Secondary Equipment

  27. 变电站二次设备的布置方式及设计优化

    The arrangement of substation equipment and optimal design

  28. 抽水蓄能电站电气二次设备和接线的特点

    Characteristics of Secondary Electrical System Equipment and Its Wiring in Pumped Storage Power Station

  29. 陈述了变电站隔离开关动作时产生的瞬变电磁场对变电站二次设备及电子设备的危害,归纳出该瞬变电磁场持续时间短、幅值大及含有大量高频分量的特征;

    The characteristics of transient electromagnetic fields caused by operation of disconnector are described .

  30. 二次设备缺陷引起的电网事故

    Fault in Power System Because of Second Devices