
  • 网络secondary recovery;secondary oil recovery
  1. 用于二次采油的MF-1多功能杀菌剂的合成及其性能研究

    Study on properties and preparation of MF-1 bactericide used in secondary recovery

  2. 注水开发属于二次采油,已成为砂岩油藏开发的主要手段。

    Are secondary recovery water injection has become the main means of sandstone oil reservoirs .

  3. 水气交替注入(WAG)是两种传统采油方法的综合,是二次采油和三次采油中颇具潜力的一种方法。

    The water alternating gas ( WAG ) injection is a method by combining two traditional oil producing methods & water flooding and gas flooding , which has a considerable potential in secondary and tertiary oil recovery .

  4. 诱导作用在油田二次采油中的应用

    Application of induced action in second oil recovery of oilfield

  5. 该装置可以在油藏条件下实施多种驱替实验,这些实验可包括:水驱或气驱二次采油实验;

    Varied displacement experiments can be performed under reservoir conditions with this apparatus .

  6. 水力裂缝对二次采油动态的影响研究

    Research on the effect of hydraulic fracturing on performance of secondary oil recovery

  7. 为延长油矿管理局在全局范围内实现二次采油奠定了扎实的基础,为特低渗透油田提高资源利用率,提高原油采收率闯出了一条新的路子。

    The technology can improve resource utilization factor and oil recovery factor for ultra-low permeable oilfield .

  8. 2+3提高采收率技术是指在充分二次采油的基础上进行有限度的三次采油技术。

    " 2 + 3 " EOR technology refers to limited tertiary recovery based on thoroughly secondary recovery .

  9. 注水是目前油田开发中应用最广泛的二次采油技术,也是目前高产稳产的重要手段。

    Water flooding is the most popular technique of secondary oil recovery and important method for high and stable production .

  10. 为了提高石油的采收率,我国很多油田都步入了二次采油和三次采油阶段。

    Many oil fields in China had entered stages of secondary oil recovery and tertiary oil recovery in order to enhance oil production .

  11. 继利用天然能量进行油田开发的一次采油之后,在20世纪以注水保持油田能量为主的二次采油得到了很大的发展。

    In the twentieth century , secondary recovery technology for the formation pressure maintenance by injecting water developed greatly after the primary depletion technique .

  12. 与二次采油相比,它借助物理和化学的双重作用,提高驱油的波及体积和效率。

    Compared to secondary recovery , it improves the sweep volume and efficiency of oil displacement by the aids of physical and chemical dual effect .

  13. 流动单元可以解释油水井连通关系,提高剩余油采收率,提供油田开发后期的挖潜对象,对于二次采油和三次采油具有较大的实际意义。

    It can offer us object to explore at the late stage of oil-field development and has important practical significance for secondary exploitation and tertiary exploitation .

  14. 含聚油泥是油田二次采油过程中产生的含有大量有机物和重金属等有毒有害物质的危险固体废弃物。

    Oily sludge containing PAC with a large number of toxic hazardous components like organic compounds and heavy metals is generated during the crude oil secondary exploitation .

  15. 目前采出程度51.48%,已达到二次采油阶段较高原油采收率。

    At present , the current oil recovery has been up to 51.48 % of OOIP , and has reached higher oil recovery in secondary recovery stage .

  16. 随着驱油开采技术的发展,我国大部分油田已进入二次采油、三次采油开发阶段,石油开采废水的水质情况也日趋复杂。

    With the development of drive-oil technology , the second and third oil extraction have been progressed , the quality of oil wastewater became more and more complex .

  17. 研究流动单元的井间分布,对于二次采油、特别是三次采油采取合理的注采方案具有重要意义。

    It is very significant for the secondary recovery , especially for the third recovery to take reasonable project of injecting and extraction to study the flow units inter well .

  18. 辽河油田正处于二次采油阶段,油田注水开发是提高采收率重要方法,已经广泛地应用于生产实践中。

    Liaohe Oilfield is now on its secondary recovery stage . The flooding development is an important method to enhance oil recovery and has been widely used in the operation .

  19. 预测剩余油气饱和度分布是高含水期油田研究的重要内容,也是评价二次采油或三次采油方案的重要依据。

    The prediction of remaining oil saturation distribution is the most important research aspect during high water-bearing periods . It determines the scheme of secondary oil recovery and tertiary oil recovery evaluation .

  20. 该技术具有投资少、见效快、增油显著的特点,是一种深化二次采油、改善水驱油藏开发效果的有效技术手段。

    This technique has the outstanding advantages of small investment needed , rapid response speed and prominent increase of production and is an effective technological measure to deepen secondary recovery and improve development effects of waterflooding reservoirs .

  21. 注水井深度调剖不仅是一项重要的二次采油技术,而且是严重非均质油藏进行三次采油的技术关键。

    Depth profile control in water injector is not only an important technology of secondary oil recovery , but also the technical key of tertiary oil recovery in severe heterogeneous oil reservoirs . Depth profile control technology of pre ?

  22. 该文对一次采油、二次采油、三次采油的开发阶段划分,对三次采油方法在中、低含水期相机插入而不是等到高含水期才用,提出了新的认识;

    This paper presents some new thoughts on the classification of primary , secondary and tertiary oil recovery periods , and on the application of tertiary oil recovery in low and medium water cut period instead of high water cut period .

  23. 在自喷的后期,可以将水由水井注入来维持地层压力,称之为二次采油,其采收率大约为15%&20%;

    At from spray of later stage , be infuse intoed by water well to the water to maintain the geologic strata pressure , call it for secondary oil recovery , its recovery efficiency about for 15 % - 20 % ;

  24. 在油田水驱开发过程中,准确估算剩余油饱和度及其分布规律,对于进一步提高二次采油开发效果、有针对性地实施三次采油具有十分重要的意义。

    During the exploitation process of an oil field , it is of great importance to make an accurate estimate of the saturation and distribution of remaining oil , so as to further enhance the secondary , or even the third oil recovery .

  25. 随着海上油田开展聚合物驱提高采收率的成功应用,适时将开发方式由二次采油向三次采油等化学驱提高采收率方法转换将是今后海上稠油油田提高采收率的重要途径之一。

    With successful implement of polymer flooding technology to enhance oil recovery , it is an important way to transfer the development mode from secondary recovery to territory recovery like chemical flooding to enhance oil recovery for offshore heavy oil oilfield in the future .

  26. 国内外多数油田经过多年的注水开发已进入二次采油阶段,如何正确认识油层、改善油层开采状况仍是今后石油开采领域的主要研究方向。

    Most oilfields have entered the tertiary phase after many years of waterflooding at home and abroad , and it is still the main research direction to recognize the reservoirs correctly and to improve the production conditions of the oil layers in the oil production field .

  27. 钻调整井是老油区挖潜的主要手段,而调整井固井质量的好坏直接影响着二、三次采油产层的分层处理和挖潜增效,关系到老油区提高采收率的问题。

    Adjust well is the major method to increase preduction in the old oil field . The adjust well 's cementing quality will directly affect the seperate zone production and well stimulation of the secondary and tertiary recovery and relate to improve recovery in old oilfield .

  28. 它们可以应用于二次和三次采油技术中。

    It can be used in secondary and tertiary oil recovery .

  29. 利用该模型,进行了二次和三次采油驱油机理的试验研究,观察了真实油层复杂孔隙系统中水驱油的过程,残余油的形成及分布特征等。

    The micromodel is used to study the mechanism of oil displacement in second and tertiary oil recovery process and these can be observed visually .

  30. 油井生产过程中,对井下数据的动态监测可以为提高采收率、制定二次、三次采油方案及配产、配注提供依据。

    In the process of oil production , the dynamic monitoring of downhole data can provide the basis for improving recovery factor , work out two and three time pumping plan and allocation , match injection .