
èr yǎng huà dàn
  • nitrogen dioxide
二氧化氮[èr yǎng huà dàn]
  1. 目的:探讨二氧化氮(NO2)吸入性肺损伤的机制。

    Objectives : To evaluate lung injury mechanism in SD rat with nitrogen dioxide ( NO 2 ) exposure .

  2. 作为一种强毒性气体,空气中的二氧化氮(NO2)已逐渐对人类的健康和安全形成威胁。

    As a kind of strong toxic gas , nitrogen dioxide ( NO2 ) in the atmosphere is gradually threatening the safety and health of the people .

  3. 基于LED光源痕量二氧化氮气体的检测

    LED Illuminant-Based Detection of Trace NO_2 Gases

  4. 二分法优化计算LED光源相关色温基于LED光源痕量二氧化氮气体的检测

    Optimization Algorithm of Correlated Color Temperature for LED Light Sources by Dichotomy LED Illuminant-Based Detection of Trace NO_2 Gases

  5. TiO2/SiO2复合氧化物对庚烯/二氧化氮体系复相光催化作用研究

    Studies of the Effects of Composited TiO_2 / SiO_2 Catalyst for the Photocatalytic Degradation of Heptheptence / NO_2

  6. 分析了差分吸收光谱法反演大气二氧化氮(NO2)浓度过程中任意选择缓变吸收结构表达式对反演结果的影响。

    The influence of different slow-variation fitted curves on the retrieve of NO2 density by DOAS is analyzed in this paper .

  7. 二氧化氮(NO2)是大气中一种痕量气体,在大气化学过程中扮演重要角色,同时也是城市地区主要大气污染物之一。

    Nitrogen dioxide ( NO2 ) is one of the main pollutants in the urban atmosphere and plays a key role in the chemistry of the atmosphere .

  8. 十年前,北京开始统计蓝天天数,测量二氧化硫、二氧化氮含量和PM10。

    A decade ago , Beijing introduced the Blue Sky program to measure sulfur dioxide , nitrogen dioxide and PM10 .

  9. 二氧化氮是硝酸盐气溶胶的主要来源,构成PM2.5和在紫外线下臭氧的主要部分。

    NO2 is the main source of nitrate aerosols , which form an important fraction of PM2.5 and , in the presence of ultraviolet light , of ozone .

  10. 1997-2003年温州市区环境空气质量状况评价结果表明:环境空气污染以尘类污染为主,而二氧化硫(SO2)和二氧化氮(NO2)污染呈现加重之势;

    Evaluative results of air environmental quality status quo in Wenzhou city show that the major cause of air pollution is dust , SO2 and NO2 in the air tend to increase gradually .

  11. 本文研究了燃烧各种燃料的炉膛内二氧化氮(NO2)和氧化亚氮(N2O)的形成过程及其排放水平。

    Studied in this paper is the process of formation in a boiler furnace of nitrogen dioxides and nitrogen monoxides and their emission levels resulting from the combustion of various fuels .

  12. 美国加州大学的研究人员日前表示,户外高浓度的二氧化氮气会增加发生婴儿猝死综合症(SIDS)的危险。

    High outdoor levels of nitrogen dioxide apparently raise the risk of sudden infant death syndrome ( SIDS ), according to California-based researchers .

  13. 二氧化氮(NO2)和二氧化硫(SO2)是主要的空气污染物与呼吸道感染发病率增加有密切关系。

    The nitrogen dioxide ( NO2 ) and the sulphur dioxide ( SO2 ) is the main air pollutant and the respiratory tract infects the disease incidence rate increase to have the close relation .

  14. 方法:对有烟蚊香和无烟蚊香在不同通风状态、不同燃烧时间下室内一氧化碳(CO)、二氧化碳(CO2)、可吸入颗粒物(IP)及二氧化氮(NO2)浓度进行测定。

    Methods : We observed and measured the concentrations of CO , CO 2 , IP , NO 2 in the room when the smoky and no smoky mosquito-repellent incenses were ignited on the different ventilated conditions during different length of ignited time .

  15. 它们为下述选定的空气污染物的浓度限值提出了修订:可吸入颗粒物(PM)、臭氧(O3)、二氧化氮(NO2)和二氧化硫(SO2),适用于世卫组织所有区域。

    They recommend revised limits for the concentration of selected air pollutants : particulate matter ( PM ), ozone ( O3 ), nitrogen dioxide ( NO2 ) and sulfur dioxide ( SO2 ), applicable across all WHO regions .

  16. 这个读数是对细颗粒物PM2.5、较粗颗粒物PM10,以及臭氧、硫磺、碳和二氧化氮水平的汇编。

    The reading represents a compilation of fine particulate matter or PM 2.5 ; coarser particulate matter , or PM10 ; and ozone , sulphur , carbon and nitrogen dioxide levels .

  17. 由模型中各污染因子的权重判断出可吸入颗粒物(PM10)为保定市空气质量的制约因子,且二氧化氮(N02)的权重逐步上升。

    From the model of pollution factors determine the weight of respirable particulate matter ( PM10 ) air quality for the Baoding constraints factor , and nitrogen dioxide ( NO2 ) and gradually increase the weights .

  18. 以Beer-Lambert定律为基础,通过对二氧化氮气体的光谱性质分析,建立了二氧化氮浓度测量的理论模型,称之为积分光谱法,并编写了数据处理软件。

    This method is based on Beer-Lambert Law . A theoretical model for measuring the concentration of nitrogen dioxide called integral spectroscopic method was developed after analyzing the spectral properties of nitrogen dioxide gas , and software was created for data processing .

  19. 采用M-9000燃烧分析仪对细水雾施加前后火灾烟气(如氧气、二氧化碳、一氧化碳、一氧化氮、二氧化氮、二氧化硫)的浓度进行了在线测量。

    The smoke concentrations such as oxygen , carbon monoxide , nitrogen monoxide , nitrogen dioxide , sulfur dioxide etc , were also respectively measured on-line by the M-9000 combustion analyzer before and after the application of water mist .

  20. 太阳光谱方法测量成都地区大气二氧化氮浓度

    Measurement of NO_2 Concentration in Atmosphere in Chengdu by Solar Spectra

  21. 分光光度法测定吸收液中二氧化氮的质量控制

    The Quality Control of Nitrogen Dioxide in Absorbing Solution by Spectrophotometry

  22. 二氧化氮可见光区内压力对吸收特性的影响

    Effect of Pressure on Visible Light Absorption Characteristics of Nitrogen Dioxide

  23. 碳酸钠的加入增加了洗涤液的碱性,可以去除尾气中的二氧化氮;

    Sodium carbonate that was added increased the alkalescence of washing liquid .

  24. 被动采样法测定环境空气中的二氧化氮

    Determination of nitrogen dioxide from ambient air by passive sampling

  25. 二氧化氮会危害人类健康、破坏地表植被。

    Nitrogen dioxide can affect human health and is hazardous to vegetation .

  26. 火焰中形成的二氧化氮和氧化亚氮

    Nitrogen Dioxide and Nitrogen Monoxide Formed in a Combustion Flame

  27. 新动向:交通工具排放立法中是否应考虑一代二氧化氮?

    New Directions : Should road vehicle emissions legislation consider primary NO2 ?

  28. 城市公路隧道二氧化氮浓度控制及通风方案研究

    Research on NO_2 Concentrations Control and Ventilation Plan for Urban Highway Tunnel

  29. 设计并建立了二氧化氮气体测量系统。

    Nitrogen dioxide gas measurement system was designed and built .

  30. 固体主动采样法用于检测博物馆内二氧化氮

    Test of nitrogen dioxide in museum by solid absorbent sampling