
èr lián lǜ
  • bigeminy coupled rhythm
  1. 结果本算法能准确的识别12导同步心电的P、QRS、T波起点和终点,并能较好的识别早搏、漏搏、RonT、二联律、三联律等异常心律。

    Result The algorithm could recognize onsets and ends of P , QRS and T in simultaneous 12 Lead ECG precisely , and some arrhythmias such as premature ventricular beat , ventricular escaped beat , R on T , bigeminy , trigeminy were also recognized .

  2. 心房和房室交界区同步逸搏及逸搏-夺获二联律一例

    Simultaneous escape and escape-capture bigeminy of atrial and AV junction

  3. 并对二联律法则及其变异型产生的可能机理,心电图表现及临床意义作了简要的讨论。

    Their mechanism and clinical significance were discussed briefly .

  4. 1例作24小时动态心电图示频发室性早搏二联律,短阵室速,1例行心内电生理检查示房性心动过速。

    Case for 24-hour Holter shows frequent premature ventricular bigeminy , 1 case for cardiac electrophysiology examination revealed atrial tachycardia .

  5. 15例患者有房颤前发生房早二联律。9例患者在房颤自然终止后出现>1.5s的长间歇。

    There were atrial premature beats bigeminal rhythm in 15 patients and long pause ( > 1.5 s ) after atrial fibrillation ending in 9 patients .