
  • 网络Binaries;Binary code;bytecode
  1. Internet的核心技术是TCP/IP协议,TCP/IP协议在Internet工作时表现为在网络中传输的二进制代码。

    The key technique of internet is TCP / IP Protocol , which appears in Internet as binary code in the network transportation .

  2. 将生成的二进制代码存储为转换数据库中的一个blob。

    Store the resulting binary code in the conversion database as a blob .

  3. 二进制代码,文档,和配置文件需要几兆空间。

    A few megabytes for the binaries , documentation , and configuration files .

  4. 执行make来构建内核模块和用户级程序的二进制代码。

    Do a make to build the binaries of the kernel module and user-level programs .

  5. 可以通过put操作分发二进制代码。

    You can distribute binaries with the put operation .

  6. 可以获取这个shell的二进制代码和源代码。

    The shell is available in both binary and source form .

  7. 要使用Windows二进制代码检索内存使用情况,请创建以下函数。

    To retrieve memory usage using Windows binaries , create the following function .

  8. 在这里,引导映像是要安装的EnterpriseLinux发行版的安装程序二进制代码。

    Here the boot image is the installer binary of the Enterprise Linux distribution to be installed .

  9. 这个团队的主目录包含DB2二进制代码。

    The home directory for this team contains the DB2 binaries .

  10. 下面使用$NMONHOME代表放置nmon二进制代码的位置。

    NMON_HOME is used below to represent where you put the binary .

  11. 部署在模式中时,可扩展节点部件创建一个虚拟机实例,其中只有WebSphereProcessServer二进制代码。

    When deployed in a pattern , the Extendable nodes part creates a virtual machine instance where only the WebSphere Process Server binaries exist .

  12. 如果一个XML脚本不能正确执行,就用一个执行得更好的脚本或者二进制代码的Java程序替换。

    If an XML script is not performing well , it can be replaced with a better-performing script or a binary-coded Java program .

  13. 对于开放源代码框架,客户应该确保理解并能够访问与WebSphereApplicationServer一起使用的框架的匹配源代码和二进制代码。

    For open source frameworks , customers should ensure they understand and have access to matching source code and binaries for the framework they are using with WebSphere Application Server .

  14. 创建一个shell变量CC,它的值是gcc二进制代码的完整路径文件名

    Create a shell variable called CC whose value is the full path file name to the gcc binary

  15. GCCbinaries:下载用于安装的GCC二进制代码。

    GCC binaries : Download the GCC binaries for installation .

  16. 可以在许多网站上找到这些应用程序针对AIX预编译的二进制代码。

    You can find pre-complied binaries of each of these applications for AIX on dozens of online sites .

  17. 因此使用的二进制代码更少,运行所需的硬件RAM更少,安装所需的磁盘空间也更少。

    The resulting smaller binaries used less of the hardware RAM to run and required less disk space for installation .

  18. Java和PHP技术之间并没有直接的关联,它们是两种不同的技术,使用了完全不同的逻辑、二进制代码和部署环境。

    There is no convenient direct link between Java and PHP technology & they are two different technologies using completely different logic , binary , and deployment environments .

  19. 请单击“设计脚本”按钮,使用脚本任务编辑器中的ide来生成二进制代码。

    Please visit the ide in script task editor by clicking Design script button to cause binary code to be generated .

  20. 例如,您可以下载gcc,为您喜欢的Linux风格编译它,并将二进制代码卖给其他人。

    For example , you can download gcc , build it for your favorite flavor of Linux , and charge others for the binaries .

  21. 如果运行Ubuntu或者UNIX或Linux的其他变体,您的发行版可能提供所有软件包的预构建二进制代码。

    If you run Ubuntu or another variant of UNIX or Linux , your distribution may provide pre-built binaries of all software packages .

  22. 无论如何,对系统二进制代码谨慎地应用文件能力,用这种方式替代setuidroot方式,可以更好地保护系统。

    Nevertheless , file capabilities applied judiciously to system binaries in place of making them setuid root can help protect your systems .

  23. 如果具有预构建的PHPWindows二进制代码,而没有在构建时使用&enable-memory-limit选项,则需要先浏览此部分然后再继续。

    If you have a pre-built PHP Windows binary without the & enable-memory-limit option on when it was built , you need to go through this section before moving on .

  24. 本文采用软硬件协同验证的方法,通过由C语言编写的高级程序编译生成CPU执行的二进制代码,生成测试激励,验证系统的功能。

    In this paper , we use hardware and software co-verification way to verify system functionality . Write C language programs , compiled to binary code executed by the CPU to generate test stimulus .

  25. ARM微处理器广泛运用于嵌入式系统中,针对ARM二进制代码的逆向分析对于以ARM为核心的嵌入式设备的解剖和安全缺陷分析具有重要意义。

    The micro-processor of ARM architecture is widely used in embedded systems . Binary reverse analysis is of significance on the dissection and security vulnerability analysis of embedded devices which use ARM processor .

  26. 可以下载它的源代码并从头构建这个应用程序,也可以从您的UNIX发行版的存储库获得二进制代码(如果有的话)。

    You can download its source code and build the application from scratch or , if available , pull an existing binary from your UNIX distribution 's repository .

  27. 第二步是把插件配置文件和插件二进制代码转移到DB2服务器插件安装目录中,让DB2引擎可以在这里找到它们。

    The second step is to move the plug-in configuration file along with the plug-in binaries to the DB2 server plug-in installation directories where the DB2 engine is configured to find them .

  28. 如果需要更多信息,可以尝试执行manthe.name.of.the.module,而不要直接执行它;PAM不是可执行的二进制代码。

    If you need more information , you can try man the . name . of . the . module , but do not attempt to execute it directly ; PAMs are not executable binaries .

  29. 文件可以是源文件(即,c,c++,或java文件),二进制代码(.war,.ear,.jar,.class或.o文件)或其他任何文件系统的对象。

    The files could be source files ( i.e.c , c + + , or java ), binaries ( . war , . ear , . jar , . class or . o ) or any other file system object .

  30. 这个指令指定当用户执行sudo命令时在什么地方寻找二进制代码和命令。

    This directive specifies where to look for binaries and commands when a user executes a sudo command .