
  • 网络Binary conversion;binary translation;binary switch
  1. 虚拟化最新的发展称为指令集虚拟化,或者二进制转换。

    A more recent aspect of virtualization is called instruction set virtualization , or binary translation .

  2. 将请求转发到一个Compute节点,该节点为未来处理需求将请求负载从二进制转换成字符串类型。

    The HTTPInput forwards requests to a Compute node that does the required transformation of the request payload from binary to string type for any further processing you may need .

  3. DIT-FFT序列的倒序算法采用了十进制与二进制转换原理规划。

    The principle of Decimal - Binary was applied in inversed order algorithm of DIT-FFT sequence .

  4. 基于二进制转换的0-1规划隐枚举法

    Hide List Method for 0-1 Programming Based on Binary Conversion

  5. 二进制转换到十进制的频率合成理论

    Frequency Synthesis Theory for Binary to Decimal Conversion

  6. 针对在数据挖掘中采用二进制转换的方法,定义了二进制序列集的相关概念并为此提供依据。

    Aiming at the method of binary system conversion in data mining , this paper defines binary system sequences set and its related concepts .

  7. 您可以从EAR直接将任意二进制模块转换为源代码模块。

    You can convert any of the binary modules to source modules directly from the EAR .

  8. 基于FPGA乘法器架构的RNS与有符号二进制量转换

    RNS to Binary Signed Conversion Based Multiplier on FPGA Architecture

  9. 基于CPLD的二进制码转换为二-十进制(BCD)码的电路

    A Converting Circuit for Binary Code to BCD Code Based on CPLD

  10. 在画布上创建一个新的BusinessObjectMapper原语,这个映射器的目的是将二进制输入转换成字符串并操作它。

    Create a new Business Object Mapper primitive to the canvas , the intention of this mapper is to convert the binary input to a string and manipulate it .

  11. 优化多字节二进制小数转换为BCD码的子程序

    Raise the perform efficiency of subprogram that multibyte binary decimal shift BCD code

  12. BCD码和二进制码转换的硬件实现

    Hardware Converter Between Binary and BCD

  13. 本文提出了一种将无符号的二进制数转换为十进制小数(BCD码表示)的方法。

    This paper discusses the method of a unsigned binary number to decimal fixed-point fraction ( express at BCD )

  14. ABinaryTransformation操作,它调用在前面创建的WTX映射之一,并将二进制输入转换成SOAP请求,如下所示。

    A Binary Transformation action , which calls one of the WTX maps that was created in an earlier step , it converts the the binary input to a SOAP Request , as shown below .

  15. 本文介绍了MCS48单片微处理机控制多字节二进制代码转换和显示原理,设计了实用的MCS48微处理机最小系统,着重讨论了数据取样和软件编制的方法。

    The multi-character binary code transforming and displaying principle controlled by MCS-48 single-chip microprocessor are presented . The practical minimum system for MCS-48 single-chip microprocessor designed The article puts stress on discussing the methods of data sampling and software programming .

  16. 单片微处理机控制多字节二进制当量转换及显示

    Multi-Character Binary Epuivalent Transforming and Displaying Controlled by Single-Chip Microprocessor

  17. 二进制程序转换作为软件逆向分析的主要手段发挥着积极作用。

    Binary program transformation has played an important role in reverse program analysis .

  18. 二进制图形转换文件的生成程序

    The Generation Program of Binary Drawing Exchange File

  19. 通过开关霍尔可以把这种二进制编码转换成磁极的排列,实现起来很方便。

    By using switch hall , the successive displacement binary code was converted into magnetic-pole arrangement .

  20. 最后,详细论述了数据提取,二进制数据转换和数据处理过程。

    Finally , the article discussed the data extraction , binary data conversion and data processing in detail .

  21. 并将采集到的二进制值转换为屏幕显示的像素值,通过重建波形绘制图形。

    The collected binary value was transformed into screen-displayed pixel value , through reconstructing wave to draw the picture .

  22. 我们提出一种基于树状网络结构的全光转换方案,可将二进制数转换为其对应的修正型三进制数。

    In this communication , we propose a tree-net architecture based all optical conversion scheme from binary number to its MTN form .

  23. ASCII码是当今电脑最基本的编码标准,基本上任何一台现代电脑都可以将二进制的数据转换成这种编码。

    ASCII characters are the lowest common denominator for computers nowadays and practically every modern computer can interpret binary data into these characters .

  24. 数模转换器(DAC)将离散的二进制数字信号转换成与该数字信号成正比的模拟信号。

    Digital to analog converter ( DAC ) can convert a discrete binary signal into an analog signal directly proportional to the value of the binary signal .

  25. 对任一长度为能被2整除的N原序列,求其倒序后的输入序列时,只涉及倒序十进制和顺序十进制数,不用对二进制数进行转换。

    For N original sequence of either length divided exactly by 2 , input time sequence was counted after inversed order of N original sequence . It only relates to inversed order Decimal and ordinal Decimal digits , did not transform Binary digit .

  26. 文章从普通的两数之间的交换到十进制数与二进制数的转换以及位检测与位改写出发,列举了C语言位运算功能的一些妙用,从而进一步突出了C语言在计算机高级语言中的重要地位。

    This paper gives the application tips of C language in bit operations by enumerating its operations such as variable exchange , number conversion between decimal and binary system , bit detecting and bit rewriting . Furthermore , C language status in the high-level computer languages is emphasized .

  27. 2,完整的制作了一套无掩模光刻平台,并完成了CIF版图文件到微动台可识别的二进制编码的转换。

    The vacuum system for maskless lithography is set up completely . The transformation from CIF to binary coding which can be recognized by the micropositioner is accomplished . 3 .

  28. 电子航海图二进制数据格式转换的实现

    The Realization of Changing Data Format in Binary of Electronic Chart Display

  29. 将十六进制转换成二进制,二进制转换成十进制,等等。

    Binary to decimal converter Convert hex to bin , bin to dec and more .

  30. 一个汇编语言与二进制代码的转换表,可以用编译器的设计。

    A compilation of language and the binary code conversion table , you can use the compiler design .