
  1. 应用于村镇信息自助平台的电子地图构件关键技术研究

    Research on the Key Technologies of Electronic Map Component Applying to County Self-assist Platform

  2. 虽然这只是对一个小村镇的个案研究,但希望能有更广泛的实际应用,作为规律性的成果应用于村镇乃至城市设计。

    Although this is just an isolated case , it may bring about a wider application in the practices , for example , being applied into the town design , even the city design .

  3. 并将其应用于山地村镇的规划设计中,通过线性景观结构要素的分析与规划设计,克服目前山地村镇建设的缺点,充分发挥线性景观的功能,为山地村镇的景观建设和生态建设带来裨益。

    It is also used in mountain villages planning design . It overcomes the present shortcomings and gives full play to the function of linear landscape for mountain villages at the same time . Finally it makes benefits for the landscape construction and ecological construction benefits .

  4. 我国对历史文化遗产非常重视,以保护、开发为研究方向作了大量的工作并且取得了一定的成绩,但是对于分布于广大村镇中的历史文化遗产的保护、开发关注不足。

    China attaches great importance to the historical and cultural heritage . It made a lot of work and obtains some achievements from the protection and development as the researching oriented , but for the majority historical and cultural heritage of the villages and towns is not enough .

  5. 大量的历史文化遗产存在于农村,存在于历史文化古村镇中。

    A large number of historical and cultural heritage exists in rural areas , exist in the history and culture of ancient towns and villages .

  6. 但作为农村金融组织的创新形态,村镇银行又不同于一般意义上的商业银行,因此,一般商业银行的信贷风险经验并不能照搬于村镇银行。

    However , as a creative form of rural financial organizations , rural banks are different from traditional commercial banks .