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  1. 后晋以后,幽云十六州成为辽军南下攻掠中原的基地,致使北方地区的社会经济遭受严重破坏。

    After the Later Jin , the sixteen cities of Youyun was a base for Liao to attack and grab from the Central Plain , which brought havoc in north China .

  2. 公元1022年大同云、应二州地震及其地质背景考证

    Investigation of the earthquake of the year 1022 in Yun and Ying prefectures and its geological background

  3. 文章对公元1022年大同云、应二州6.5级地震及其地质背景进行了考证。

    This paper investigates the Year 1022 earthquake of magnitude 6.5 on the Richter scale in Yun and Ying prefectures and discusses its geological background .