
yún mǔ shí
  • Mica stone;sheet mica
  1. 黑云母、榍石、锆石、锡石、金红石、黑钨矿、白钨矿和钨铁铌矿等是讨论的重点矿物,它们可用于判别花岗岩的成矿能力。

    Biotite , titanite , cassiterite , rutile , wolframite , scheelite and wolframoixiolite are essentially useful minerals in clarifying the ore-forming potential of granites .

  2. 其中麻粒岩主要出露于佛坪县城南约500m河东岸,呈条带状和透镜状产出,其矿物组成以透辉石、斜长石、角闪石、黑云母及石榴子石为主。

    The granulite facie rock shows lenticulars , mainly outcrops at about 500 meters to the town , east of river . The major minerals of these rocks are diopside , plagioclase , hornblende , biotite and garnet .

  3. 实验研究表明:以石膏作为胶凝材料,绢云母和水镁石纤维作为主要原料制备的复合材料具有保温隔热性能。

    We use plaster as colloid material , sericite and Fibrous brucite as primary raw materials to product an adiabatic material with nice properties on heat insulation .

  4. 一种软质的银色碱金属元素,能在空气中燃烧,能与水发生剧烈反应,见于光卤石、锂云母和铯榴石中。

    A soft silvery metallic element of the alkali metal group ; burns in air and reacts violently in water ; occurs in carnallite and lepidolite and pollucite .

  5. 裂隙及环带均被流体包裹体所充填,流体包裹体的热爆温度为604~685℃,利用黑云母-石榴子石温度计得出变质温度为592℃。

    The fractures and zones are filled with fluid inclusions . The decrepitation temperatures of andalusite range from 604 to 685 ℃ and the metamorphic temperature obtained using the biotite-garnet geothermometer is 592 ℃ .

  6. 主期阶段的矿物组合在云母片岩中为石榴石+多硅白云母+石英+磁铁矿±钠云母±绿帘石/黝帘石;

    The mineral assemblages in the main stage are garnet + phengite + quartz + magnetite ± paragonite ± epidote / zoisite in the mica schist ;