
jǐng shuǐ
  • well water
井水[jǐng shuǐ]
  1. 多种有机农药渗透污染井水的GC-MS定性分析

    Qualitative Analyses of Organic Pesticides in Polluted Well Water by GC-MS

  2. 条件Logistic回归分析显示初潮年龄早、乳腺良性疾病史、肿瘤家族史及流产次数多是乳腺癌的危险因素,而哺乳和饮用井水是保护因素。

    In conditional logistic regression model , early age at menarche , history of benign breast diseases , family history of carcinoma , high frequency of abortion are risk factors , while breast feeding and drinking well water are protective factors .

  3. 用力一拉,一只桶就会被提到井口,另一只则会落入井水里。

    A strong pull brought one bucket to the top while the other down to the water .

  4. Mo元素明显低于井水和河水;

    But the level of Mo was lower than river and well water .

  5. 初步建立了水样(井水、河水)和土壤样品中五氯硝基苯间接ELISA法的提取方法,回收率分别是86.7%、81.3%和78.9%。

    The extraction of water samples ( well , lake ), soil samples on indirect ELISA for pentachloronitrobenzene were established , the recoveries were 86.7 % , 81.3 % and 78.9 % , respectively .

  6. 自1981年以来对该并氮氦比(N2/He)每天进行观测,其主要干扰因素为降雨和井水流量。

    Since 1981 the ratio of nitrogen to helium has been observed every day in this well . The precipitation and flow of well water are main disturbance factors .

  7. 含Se(Ⅵ)量较高的井水或农业排水是否可以用于灌溉,主要取决于水中的SO4~(2-)含量。

    Whether agricultural drainage and well water with high Se concentration can be used as irrigation or not depends on the concentrations of SO_4 ~ ( 2 - ) in the drainage and in the water .

  8. 调查结果说明,3H来源于核电站气态流出物和液态流出物,通过干湿沉降并贮留于处于下风向的草地土壤中,然后随雨水渗入监测井水。

    The survey indicated that ~ 3H is from gaseous and liquid effluents from the NPP , which is its seepage into well water together with rainfall through dried deposition and retention in grassland downstream .

  9. 本文对Nakai拟合法作了改进并应用于计算井水固体潮和气压系数。

    In this paper , the Nakai 's fitting method is improved and it is applied to the calculation of tidal and barometric coefficients of the well level .

  10. 基因与环境交互作用分析发现饮用井水与RANTES403G/A存在交互作用。

    There were interactions between RANTES403G / A genotype and drinking well water .

  11. 实验结果表明,夏季工况下,随着井水进口温度的升高,进出口温差的增大,系统制冷量减小,机组COP降低,系统运行性能恶化。

    The experimental results showed that : in the summer operating mode , the refrigerating capacity and coefficient of performance of the system decreased with the increase of the temperature difference between supply and return ground-water and the water supply temperature ;

  12. 用时间序列分析方法建立井水埋深的预测模型时,首先采用差分的方法把季节性时间序列变成平稳时间序列,在此基础上,再用动态数据系统方法的传统F检验定阶法进行分析。

    When time sequence analysis method is used to establish prediction model of well depth , the seasonal time sequence values are first transformed into steady time sequence values by the differences in seasonal time sequence values followed by analysis of traditional F-test rank determination based on DDS method .

  13. 通过试验验证了Ca(HCO3)2型井水在预处理中加酸酸化,再进行电渗析脱盐工艺比预处理中未加酸酸化工艺脱盐效果较明显。

    Experiments proves that the technology in which well water with Ca ( HCO 3 ) 2 has been pre-treated by acidification and than has been desalinated by ED is more effi-cient than the technology in which there has been no acidification in the pretreatment .

  14. 大气飘浮颗粒物的有机提取物对雄小鼠生殖细胞的诱变作用②沿岸浅井水有机提取物能诱发TA98菌株的阳性回变;

    MUTAGENIC EFFECT OF EXTRACTS OF AMBIENT AIR FALL-OUT PARTICULATES ON GERM ② The OES from drinking water in shallow wells along its rank can induce positive mutagenic results in train TA 98 ;

  15. 合肥市区浅层地下水(井水)受洗衣粉和细菌污染的调查

    The Well Water Was Contaminated by LAS & Bacteria in Hefei

  16. 饮用污染井水的农民细胞遗传学研究

    A Cytogenetic Study on Peasants Who Drink the Contaminated Well Water

  17. 沙漠之所以美丽,是因为在它的某个角落隐藏着一口井水

    Whatmakes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well

  18. 这是很重要的,正如井水之能冷藏牛油。

    This is as important as that it keeps butter cool .

  19. 溢流关井水击压力的计算及结果讨论

    Calculation and result discussion of water hammer pressure in flooding well

  20. 而井水为保护性作用的饮水类型。

    But the well water would be a protective drinking water .

  21. 淮南市区30口井水水质测定分析

    A water quality analysis on 30 wells in Huainan City

  22. 鹤壁井水氡变化与地震及爆破效应

    Water radon variation in Hebi well and effects of earthquakes and explosions

  23. 住在这些乡村里的人依然饮用井水。

    The population in these villages still uses well water .

  24. 地震后井水水位有显著变化。

    Substantial changes of level in wells have been observed following earthquakes .

  25. 井水资料的多元统计分析

    The Multiple Statistic Analysis on the Data of Well Waters

  26. 结果合肥农村82.15%的人饮用浅层井水。

    Results 82.15 % of local people drank the shallow-layer well water .

  27. 丰满井水氡的映震灵敏性初探

    A study on reflecting earthquake sensitivity of water radon in Fenman well

  28. 怀来4井水汞前兆异常特征分析

    Analysis of anomalous feature of water mercury precursor in Huailai NO.4 WELL

  29. 基于生产动态数据的采油井水窜类型诊断方法研究

    Study on water breakthrough types diagnosis method based on production performance data

  30. 惠州市博罗县农村井水卫生学情况的调查

    Hygienic survey of well water quality in rural area of Boluo County