
jǐng yǎn
  • well;borehole
井眼[jǐng yǎn]
  1. 有侵入带井眼的电势Green函数精确解

    The exact solution of green 's function in the borehole containing invaded zones

  2. 分析双级PDC钻头的塔式钻具组合和塔式钟摆钻具组合得出:在小井斜和较大井眼扩大系数下,双级PDC钻头与塔式(钟摆)钻具组合配合使用具有较好的防斜作用。

    Analyzing of tower BHA and tower pendulum BHA conjugating two-stage PDC bit by the model shows that they has good anti-deviation effect under low well deviation and larger borehole enlargement factor .

  3. 三维Z形斜面圆弧井眼轨迹控制技术

    Control Technology for Borehole Trajectory on Three-dimensional " Z " Shaped Circular Arc with Inclined Planes

  4. 研究各种地层和井眼环境因素对碳氧比CO测井长、短源距探测器的影响规律,可以为CO测井仪器的刻度方法提供指导,为解释模型的建立和数据处理提供依据。

    It helps to design scale schemes and interpretation model to study the influence of borehole and formation environments in C / O logging on two detectors .

  5. 预测下部钻具组合(BHA)的造斜能力对准确控制井眼轨迹十分重要。

    Accurate prediction of BHA deflecting capacity is very important for precise well trajectory control .

  6. AI平台在疏松表层造斜,井眼轨迹控制,应用钻井新工艺、新技术提高钻井效率,降低昂贵的海上钻井成本等方面,取得了长足进步。

    Platform AI has made a great progress in the aspects of loose surface layer detecting , hole trajectory control , raising well-drilling effeciency by new technology , reducing costs etc.

  7. 通过研究与试验,初步形成了地层出水、稳定性评价、井眼净化技术以及天然气钻井HSE文件。

    In general , such technologies as formation water production prediction , formation stability evaluation , hole cleaning and HSE procedures for natural gas drilling were preliminary formed .

  8. 水平段钻进中,常使用油基钻井液和PDC钻头,在保持水平井眼稳定性的同时,提高机械钻速;

    During the drilling of the horizontal section , oil-based drilling fluid and PDC bit are usually used for holding the horizontal hole stability and enhancing rate of penetration .

  9. 根据全井眼地层微电阻率扫描测井(FMI)及常规测井信息,将该变质岩潜山油藏储集层划分为4类:①网状缝-溶孔型;

    Reservoirs in this area can be classified into 4 types with FMI and porosity log information : ① network-dissolved fracture reservoir ;

  10. 文章的计算分析结果满足Boycott效应规律,也从理论上探讨了增加钻井液排量对改善井眼净化的有效性。

    The results of calculation and analysis not only meet a demand for Boycott effect but also indicate theoretically the effectiveness of increasing the discharge capacity of drilling fluid on improving the hole cleaning .

  11. 根据SCAT图示能确定井眼穿过地质构造的形态及滑距断层的存在和特征。

    Morphology of geological structure drilled through by borehole and the existance and features of slip faults can be determined according to SCAT products .

  12. 中转速、低压降、高扭矩减速涡轮钻具配合高效优质PDC钻头或高速长寿命ATM、MAX等系列牙轮钻头钻进,可大幅度提高大直径井眼的钻进速度。

    The penetration rate of large hole drilling can be highly increased by the decelerating turbodrill with medium rotary speed , low pressure drop and large torque , combined with high quality and efficiency PDC bits or ATM and MAX roller bits .

  13. 基于所建立的油藏-井筒耦合数学模型,研制了考虑井眼周围储层应力变化的油藏&井筒多相流耦合的一体化数值模拟系统(RWCS)。

    Successfully developed a multiphase flow numerical simulation system coupling reservoir-wellbores ( RWCS ) according to the above model .

  14. 为防止井眼碰撞、窜槽现象的发生,CDXA井组采用了表层预定向钻井技术。

    Surface pre-orienting drilling technology is employed for preventing wellbore from collision and channeling in CDXA Cluster Wells .

  15. 甲酸盐钻井液能够满足3200m以内勘探、开发钻井的需要,并能满足各种尺寸井眼的钻井作业要求。

    The formate drilling fluid can satisfy the needs for drilling wells ( both exploration and development ) with depths less than 3200 m , with no choice in well diameters .

  16. 根据线圈系参数进行了几何因子响应特性研究,绘制了径向和纵向响应图版,按照趋肤效应和井眼校正原理对AIL设计了校正图版。

    Study on the geometric factor characteristic to form charts of radial response and vertical response based on coil system parameter . The emendation chart has been planned according to the skin effect and borehole correction .

  17. 在建立HDIL自适应井眼校正方法过程中,发现井眼环境不同,要求的反演收敛迭代误差也不同。

    In the course of developing HDIL self-adaptive borehole correction method , it is found that different borehole conditions require different inversion iteration errors .

  18. 通过计算表明,利用改进的Higdon吸收边界条件,声波测井三维模拟程序可用于复杂井眼各向异性地层条件的波场传播模拟。

    It indicates that with the improved Higdon absorbing boundary condition , the three dimensional program on acoustic log can be used to simulate the wave field of complex borehole conditions .

  19. 本文所开发的钻井综合信息管理与应用系统(DCIMAS)就是收集、存储、充分利用有效的井眼数据和所有与钻井实施过程相关信息的平台。

    A system called the Drilling Comprehensive Information Management and Application System ( DCIMAS ) is developed and presented here , with an aim at collecting , storing and making full use of the valuable well data and information relating to all drilling activities and operations .

  20. 反扣井眼轨迹控制及钻井工艺在渤海的应用

    Application of the track control and drilling technology of lefthand well

  21. 考虑岩层各向异性性质的井眼稳定性分析

    The Analysis of Stabilization of the Wellbore with Anisotropic Rock Formation

  22. 深井大尺寸井眼钻速低的原因及对策

    Causes and Games of Low ROP in Deep and Large Wells

  23. 井眼剪切破坏是井眼岩石基本破坏形式之一。

    Shear failure is a basic failure mode of borehole rock .

  24. 高分辨率阵列感应井眼校正技术

    High-accuracy Processing Technique for Borehole Correction of an Array Induction Tool

  25. 井眼间隙对下部钻具组合横向振动的影响

    Effects of wellbore gap on transverse vibrations of bottom hole assemblies

  26. 阵列感应井眼校正中的一种快速正演方法

    A Fast Forward Method for Borehole Correction in Multi-array Induction Logging

  27. 中生界及部分古生界地层泥页岩的水敏性较强,最易出现井眼失稳问题。

    Water sensitivity in Mesozoic and some Palaeozoic structure is high .

  28. 微小井眼循环系统压力损失规律研究

    Study on the pressure loss laws in micro hole circulatory system

  29. 限定井眼方向待钻轨道设计的代数法

    An algebraic method of borehole trajectory design with defined borehole direction

  30. 建立了考虑液-固-水化耦合机制的井眼稳定性评价模型;

    The wellbore evaluating model was build considering the liquid-solid-wetting coupling .