
  1. 日本枪刺下的井陉煤矿

    The Jingxing coal mine under the Japanese atrocity

  2. 其所采取的方法有:对井陉煤矿采取从德国商人手中购买的方式,由日本人单独控制;

    The following are the major means it employed in the plunder : Firstly , Japan took a complete control of Jingxing Coal Mine by means of purchasing it from a German merchant .

  3. 井陉煤矿是河北省重要煤矿之一,在抗战时期,被日军侵占了8年之久。

    During the anti Japanese war , however , it is occupied by the Japanese invaders for eight years . The coal mine in Jingxing is one of the most important in Hebei Province .