
  • 网络Adam Smith
  1. “糖,酒和烟,”经济学家亚当·斯密曾写道,“绝不是生活的必需品,但是却成为几乎全世界人的消费品,因此,也成为了征税的绝佳对象。”

    Sugar , alcohol and tobacco , economist Adam Smith once wrote , are commodities which are nowhere necessaries of life , which have become objects of almost universal consumption , and which are , therefore , extremely popular subjects of taxation . "

  2. 从哲学家亚当·斯密(AdamSmith)、大卫·休谟(DavidHume)到彼得·潘(PeterPan)、夏洛克·福尔摩斯(ShelockHolmes)的缔造者,苏格兰是英国知识与文化遗产的重要组成部分。

    From the philosophers Adam Smith and David Hume to the creators of Peter Pan and Sherlock Holmes , Scotland features prominently in Britain 's intellectual and cultural heritage .

  3. 英国央行行长有权选择新版纸币上出现的人物。默文·金爵士任期期间还曾决定经济学家亚当·斯密爵士(SirAdamSmith)出现在20英镑纸币上,工业家马修·博尔顿(MatthewBoulton)和詹姆斯·瓦特(JamesWatt)出现在50英镑纸币上。

    During his tenure , Sir Mervyn has also put economist Sir Adam Smith on · 20 notes and industrialists Matthew Boulton and James Watt on · 50 notes .

  4. 对亚当·斯密问题三个逻辑层面的解读

    The Logic Interpretation of the Adam Smith Problem from Three Levels

  5. 重新解读亚当·斯密的钻石与水之谜

    Re-reading Adam Smith 's " Mystery of Diamond and Water "

  6. 亚当·斯密税收原则的重新解读

    The Re-explanation on the Tax Policy Put forward by Adam Smith

  7. 从亚当·斯密到凯恩斯&简评英国福利思想的发展

    Developments of the British Welfarism : From Adam Smith to Keynes

  8. 亚当·斯密问题有不同的逻辑层面。

    The Adam Smith Problem has different levels of logics .

  9. 亚当·斯密的经济正义理论探究

    An Inquiry into Adam Smith 's Theory of Economic Justice

  10. 亚当·斯密看不见的手的伦理得失

    The Advantages and Disadvantages of Adam Smith 's " An Invisible Hand "

  11. 论亚当·斯密调节经济活动过程的三只手

    On Adam Smith 's adjusting hands in economic activities

  12. 亚当·斯密说,货币是经济的车轮。

    As Adam-Smith said , money is the wheels of the whole economy .

  13. 市场主体的公正气质和伦理精神&对亚当·斯密公正观的一种解读

    The Sense of Justice and Ethic of Market Participants

  14. 亚当·斯密(1723&1790)生活于十八世纪。

    Adam Smith lived in the eighteenth century .

  15. 亚当·斯密问题的逻辑张力

    The Logical Tension of the Adam Smith Problem

  16. 论亚当·斯密对资本用途的分析

    On the Analysis of Capital by Adam Smith

  17. 经济全球化基于由亚当·斯密提出的自由主义经济动力学。

    Economic globalization is based on the liberal economic dynamics outline by Adam Smith .

  18. 亚当·斯密的个人自利及其道德性理性的自我本位与功利主义

    Adam Smith 's Individual Self-interest and Its Morality

  19. 亚当·斯密与凯恩斯政府经济职能观比较

    The Comparison of Adam Smith and Keynes 's Views about the Government 's Economic Duty

  20. 镀金时代美国政府的施政行为与亚当·斯密之自由放任思想

    The Administration of US Government in Golden Times and Adam Smith 's Laissez faire Thought

  21. 论亚当·斯密问题

    On the " Adam Smith Problem "

  22. 国债宏观经济效应是自亚当·斯密以来经济学家们关注和研究的问题。

    The economists since Adam smith began to study the macroeconomic effects of the public debt .

  23. 亚当·斯密对个人自利的强调是古典经济学理论建构的基础。

    Adam Smith 's emphasis on individual self-interest is the basis of establishing the Classical Economics .

  24. 亚当·斯密的正义观

    Adam Smith 's Outlook of Justice

  25. 亚当·斯密说过经济增长率与资本积累率成正比。

    Adam Smith said the economic growth rate is proportional to the rate of capital accumulation .

  26. 再论亚当·斯密经济人假设的价值合理性(上)

    Reasonableness in Value : Revisiting Adam Smith s Hypothesis of " Economic Man "( I );

  27. 第三部分主要阐述了亚当·斯密同情论伦理思想的价值与局限性。

    The third part of this thesis expatiate the value and limitation of Adam Smith 's theory .

  28. 亚当·斯密的分工劳动理论,是建立在商品存在的假设之上的。

    Adam Smith 's labor division theory is based on the hypothesis of the existence of commodities .

  29. 亚当·斯密不仅是一位优秀的经济学大师,而且也是一位杰出的伦理学家。

    Adam Smith was not only a master of economy but also a prominent moralist in history .

  30. 亚当·斯密(1723一1790)是苏格兰启蒙运动时期伟大的经济学家和伦理学家。

    Adam Smith ( 1723-1790 ) is the Scottish Enlightenment period of the greatest economists and ethicists .