
  • 【水产】subacute poisoning
  1. VE干预D-半乳糖亚急性中毒拟衰老模型鼠免疫衰老实验研究

    The Interfering Effect of V_E on Immunosenescence in Aging Model Rats Induced by D-galactose

  2. 我们调查了某化肥厂接触CO浓度在91.2mg/m~3以下,工龄为1~35年间的283名职工,未发现急性和亚急性中毒病例。

    283 fertilizer workers with working years varied form 1 to 35 years under the CO concentration below 91 . 2mg / m ~ 3 were examined . No case of acute or subacute poisoning was shown .

  3. 丙烯腈亚急性中毒对大鼠肝脏的影响

    The Chronic Effect of Acrylonitrile on the Liver of Rats

  4. 经研究确诊为麦芽根被棒曲霉菌污染后所发生的一种急性或亚急性中毒症。

    Through studies , it has been made sure that both acute and subacute cases were all mycotoxicosis caused mainly by Aspergillus clavatus from mouldy malt rootlets .

  5. 36例亚急性中毒性脊髓周围神经炎的流行特征是:发病集中,有明显的家庭聚集性;

    Thirty-six cases with subacute poisoning spinal and peripheral neuritis were diagnosed in 1973.The epidemiologic features of those patients were : the same time and place occurrence , as well as family aggregation .

  6. 高精料日粮在满足奶牛高泌乳能量和营养需要的同时,造成瘤胃pH迅速下降而导致瘤胃亚急性酸中毒。

    Cattle are fed high concentrate dies to meet the energy and nutrients demands , which is associated with a rapid decline in ruminal pH and causes subacute rumen acidosis ( SARA ) .

  7. 用3日龄雏鸡150只,作急性和亚急性镉中毒病理学观察,急性毒性的LD50为8448mg/kg体重。

    Three day old broiler chickens were made experimental Cd poisoning . LD50 of acute Cd poisoning was 84 48 mg / kg body weight .

  8. 亚急性氟中毒授乳大鼠垂体催乳素细胞的超微结构研究

    Studies on ultrastructures of lactotrophs of lactating rats with subacute fluorosis

  9. 医源性亚急性铅中毒1例误诊分析

    Misdiagnosis of iatrogenic subacute lead poisoning : Report of a case

  10. 亚急性汞中毒致肝肾功能损害的观察及护理

    Hepatic and renal damage caused by subacute mercury poisoning and their nursing

  11. 亚急性乙醇中毒致小鼠记忆障碍的脑内突触机制

    Impairment of memory induced by subacute alcoholism and synaptic mechanisms in mice

  12. 不同接触途径所致急性亚急性汞中毒的分析研究

    Study on acute and subacute mercury poisoning caused by different exposure routes

  13. 自由基在亚急性酒精中毒中的损伤作用实验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Role of Free Radical in subacute Alcohol Intoxication

  14. 亚急性MA中毒大鼠相关脑区多巴胺能神经毒性研究

    Subacute Methamphetamine Intoxication in Rats ' Brain Dopaminergic Toxicity

  15. 小鼠亚急性丙烯酰胺中毒的神经病理研究

    Neuropathological Studies on Subacute Acrylamide Poisoning in Mice

  16. 亚急性六六六中毒的实验病理研究

    An Experimental Pathological Study of Subacute Hexachlorocyclohexane Poisoning

  17. 职业性亚急性铅中毒1例报告

    Occupational subacute lead poisoning : Acase report

  18. 1起职业性亚急性丙烯酰胺中毒事故的报告

    A case report on subacute acrylamide poisoning

  19. 锌、钼对亚急性镉中毒肾损伤保护作用的比较

    Comparison of protective effect of zinc and molybdenum on subacute renal damage induced by cadmium

  20. 亚急性一氧化碳中毒致小鼠迟发性学习记忆障碍机制研究

    Study on Mechanism of Delayed Learning and Memory Disorders Induced by Subacute Carbon Monoxide Intoxication in Mice

  21. 冷水江市某村饮水因砷污染所致亚急性砷中毒的调查

    Investigation on the subacute arsenism caused by arsenic contaminated drinking water in a village of Lengshuijiang City

  22. 目的研究不同接触途径所致急性、亚急性汞中毒的临床特点。

    Objective To study the clinical characteristics of acute and subacute mercury poisoning by different exposure routes .

  23. 方法用氯化镉制备大鼠亚急性镉中毒模型,使其发生明显的肾损伤。

    Methods Subacute cadmium poisoning model was prepared with cadmium chloride in rats to induce obvious renal damage .

  24. 本文对亚急性铅中毒大鼠尿激肽释放酶排泄量进行了研究。

    The pattern of urinary excretion of kalli-krein ( Ka ) in subchronic lead intoxicated rats was studied .

  25. 口服二巯基丙磺酸钠对亚急性汞中毒大鼠防治效果的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Effects of Oral DMPS for Preventing and Treat lug the Subacute Mercury Poisoning in Rats

  26. 亚急性铜中毒金鱼肝、肾的超微病理学变化与急性铜中毒鱼相似,只是随着中毒时间的推移,逐步呈现出病变的加重过程。

    The liver and renal ultrapathological changes of subacute poisoned fish resembled acute poisoned fish ' , along with prolong poisoning time , pathological changes aggravated gradually .

  27. 目的研究亚急性镉中毒致雄性小鼠睾丸细胞凋亡和锌干预作用。

    Objective To study the protective effect of zinc sulphate ( ZnSO_4 ) on apoptosis of testicle cells and malformation of sperm induced by cadmium ( Cd ) in mice .

  28. 5例为亚急性或慢性中毒。

    The other 5 cases were subacute or chronic .

  29. 结论亚急性正己烷中毒及早脱离环境、及早治疗,预后较好。

    Conclusion Escaping from the toxic environment earlier and receiving treatment earlier can make the prognosis of subacute N-hexane toxicity better .

  30. 方法记录17例亚急性正己烷中毒所导致的周围神经病患者的临床资料、神经肌电图、治疗经过,并追踪观察1年预后。

    Methods Clinical data , electrophysiology changes and treatment courses of17 cases subjecting subacute N-Hexane toxicity and followed up for one year were analyzed .