
  • 网络Juvenile;sub-adult;Subadult
  1. 幼体与亚成体采食和其它行为有极显著差异(P0.01)。

    There was a very significant difference ( P0.01 ) in feeding and others between infant and sub-adult .

  2. 圈养亚成体大熊猫日粮粗蛋白表观消化率的初步研究

    Study on apparent digestibility of crude protein by captive sub-adult giant panda

  3. 蒙原羚亚成体外部形态及消化道若干指标的测量分析

    The Measurement of Exterior Morphologies and Digestive Tracts Parameters of Sub-adult Mongolian Gazelle

  4. 亚成体大熊猫细菌性败血病的诊断

    Second Giant Panda Germs Sapraemia Diagnosis

  5. 前者主要是成体(包括老体)雄鼠的迁移,后者迁移主体是亚成体鼠。

    The former is migration of adult and elder males mainly . The latter is migration of subadults mainly .

  6. 成体与亚成体白鹤、雄鹤与雌鹤在行为时间分配上有差别较显著。

    There are obvious differences in time budget of behaviors between adults and sub-adults , and aslo between Male and female .

  7. 亚成体东北虎在秋季的行为多样性指数最高,且雄性的行为多样性指数高于雌性。

    The index of sub-Amur tigers ' behavioral diversity is the highest in autumn and the index of male is higher than female ' s.

  8. 独特的徽派建筑,远古的生态环境,几只调皮玩闹的亚成体大熊猫,不知不觉中,你也溶入到这幅美丽的图画里了。

    With unique Huizhou architecture , ancient ecological environment and a few naughty sub-adult giant panda slapstick , you dissolve into this beautiful picture unconsciously .

  9. 所以,即使进入幼年晚期与亚成体阶段,仍持续快速生长的证据,暗示这些动物具有相对高的基础代谢率。

    So evidence of sustained rapid growth , even into late juvenile and subadult stages , implies that the animals in question had relatively high basal metabolic rates .

  10. 声谱分析表明,成体雄鸟与亚成体雄鸟的鸣声结构非常相似,而且两者在巢址、巢材、窝卵数、卵色、卵大小等巢卵特征上也非常一致。

    Adult and sub-adult males have similar song structures and same nest and egg characteristics of nest site , nest materials , clutch size , egg color and egg size .

  11. 亚成体和成年Ⅰ组的组成比与雌雄比呈显著的正相关,成年Ⅱ组的组成比与雌雄比呈极显著的负相关,老年组的组成比与雌雄性比呈显著的负相关。

    The correlation between the female-male ratio and constitutional ratio of sub-adult and adult ⅰ was remarkably positive while that of the adult ⅱ group and the old adult group was significantly negative .

  12. 通过对中国科学院动物研究所标本馆117只白腹短翅鸲雄鸟标本的测量,发现成体雄鸟的翅长和尾长明显大于亚成体(t检验,P<0.001)。

    Having measured 117 specimens collected in the museum of Institute of Zoology , we found that the wings and tail lengths of the adult males were significantly larger than those of sub-adult males ( t-test , P < 0.001 ) .

  13. 目前,从四川卧龙国家级自然保护区精心挑选出的10只亚成体大熊猫已经确定,最快将于1月上旬抵达上海,1月下旬正式与公众见面。

    Following that , they will spend half a year at the Wild Zoo of Shanghai . The Expo , which begins May 1st and runs for six months , is expected to draw 70 million visitors . The Shanghai Zoo , which already has three older giant pandas , refurbished its panda house to accommodate the new arrivals .

  14. 应用粘性-无粘性干扰方法计算了亚跨音速下旋成体的轴对称绕流流场,并着重研究了船尾处的后体流场。

    A patched viscous-inviscid interaction method is used to predict the subsonic and transonic flow over an axisymmetric circular-arc boattail with a solid jet plume simulator .