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  • imino acid
  1. 这证明网状细胞在其功能蛋白质的合成过程中有杂环亚氨基酸-羟脯氨酸参与。

    This demonstrated that Hydroxyproline I volved in the synthesis of functional proteins of reticular cells .

  2. 草鱼皮胶原氨基酸组成中,亚氨基酸(脯氨酸和羟脯氨酸)含量低于猪皮胶原中亚氨基酸含量;差式扫描量热计测定草鱼皮胶原变性温度约为20℃;

    The imino acid contents ( proline and hydroxyproline ) of collagen were less than that of porcine skin , and the denaturation temperature of the collagen was about 20 ℃ by differential scanning calorimeter .

  3. 超高压明胶的脯氨酸和羟脯氨酸两种亚氨基酸含量以及α、β和γ等高分子量亚基组分含量均明显高于商品明胶,这是其具有较好胶凝特性的重要原因。

    The contents of amino acid ( proline and hydroxyproline ) and high molecular weight subunits ( a 、β and γ) were obviously higher in UHP gelatin , which were main reasons for its greater gel performance .

  4. 在极大螺旋藻藻蓝蛋白内也存在三个生色团结合位点,即α亚基氨基酸Cys84和β亚基氨基酸Cys82和Cys153。

    There are three chromophore-binding sites within the phycocyanin subunits , α - amino acid 84 and p-amino acids 82 and 153 . The site at cysteine-153 is near the COOH terminus .

  5. 结果表明,壳聚糖固定化的N-亚水杨基氨基酸Schiff碱亚铁配合物对超氧离子自由基的清除能力有所降低,但仍具有较强的抑制作用。

    Comparing the effect of ferrous N-salicylidene glycine complex on the elimination of superoxide anion with chitosan-ferrous-Schiff base complex ′, it was found that the eliminative effect of the chitosan-ferrous-schiff base complex decreased in a sort , but still remained the stronger ability of eliminating superoxide anion .

  6. 通过氨基酸比较还发现12个亚型特异氨基酸,可能是引起TBEV三个基因亚型特性不同的原因。

    We found 12 subtype-special amino acids which may be the cause for different characters from three subtypes .