
  • 网络Asian carp
  1. 有官员表示两周前,在电网和密歇根湖附近的一处闸口之间,已发现亚洲鲤鱼的DNA。

    Officials said two weeks ago that DNA from Asian carp had been found between the barrier and a lock near the lake .

  2. 密歇根湖还尚未发现亚洲鲤鱼的踪迹。

    No Asian carp have yet been found in Lake Michigan .

  3. 第一个案例涉及两种亚洲鲤鱼:大头鱼和银色鲤鱼。

    The first involves two kinds of Asian carp , bighead and silver .

  4. 该机构表示他们将想尽办法来阻止亚洲鲤鱼入侵,但没有经过初步研究其可能产生的影响,他们不会关闭相关闸口。

    The agency has said it would consider all options but would not close the locks without first studying the possible effects .

  5. 在设立障碍的部分地区,遭遇毒害的数千种鱼类中只有一只是亚洲鲤鱼。

    Only one Asian carp was found among many thousands of fish killed with poison while part of the fence was being serviced .

  6. 在投放毒素的同时,一个平时用来防止亚洲鲤鱼进入五大湖的电网被关闭并进行维护。

    The toxins were dumped while an electrical barrier normally used to prevent any Asian carp from the Great Lakes was turned off for maintenance .

  7. 陆军工程团本周发布了报告,包含了可能解决这个问题的方法,这些方法包括建造堤坝将密歇根湖与亚洲鲤鱼泛滥的密西西比河隔离。

    Corps released report this week was a potential approach to the problems including sealing off Lake Michigan from the carp-infested Mississippi river with a series of dams .

  8. 于2002年建成的五大湖区电网用于驱赶鱼类,而其所带电压不足以将它们致死。这些电网曾被认为是阻止亚洲鲤鱼进入密歇根湖的最后屏障。

    The electrical barrier , installed in 2002 to repel fish with non-lethal jolts , had been thought to be the only thing standing between the carp and Lake Michigan .

  9. 环保人士担心,如果鲢鱼和鳙鱼这两种体型巨大的亚洲鲤鱼侵入五大湖区域,它们会大量抢夺本土鱼类的食物,致使这个年产值近70亿美元的捕鱼产业岌岌可危。

    Environmentalists fear that if the silver or bighead species of giant Asian carp reach the lakes they could starve out native fish species and devastate a $ 7 billion-a-year fishing industry .

  10. 在美国,亚洲鲤鱼自1990年代开始从密西西比三角洲北迁,现在已经威胁到五大湖地区的水域。

    Closer to home , the Asian carp , which has been working its way north from the Mississippi Delta since the1990s , is now on the verge of reaching the Great Lakes .

  11. 美国环保署声称,鱼藤酮对野生动物与人类的毒性等级是「低」等级,建议用来消除亚洲鲤鱼的用量也不会对鸟类或哺乳动物造成毒害。

    The EPA calls the toxicity of rotenone to wildlife and humans " low " and says no poisoning of birds or mammals would result from concentrations recommended for wiping out Asian carp .

  12. 这种能长到4英尺长的亚洲鲤鱼当初是由美国南部的养鱼场引进的。在20世纪90年代洪水泛滥时,它们大量地出逃,进入密西西比河流域,从那时起它们一直向北移栖。

    The Asian carp which can grow to 4 feet were imported by Southern fish farms but escaped into the Mississippi River in large numbers during flooding in the 1990s and have been making their way northward ever since .

  13. 美国陆军工程兵团有一些处理亚洲鲤鱼泛滥五大湖地区的建议,如何解决这个问题在国会也引发了激烈的讨论。

    With US Army Corps of Engineers there are a number of recommendations of how to deal with a potential invasion of the Great Lakes by Asian carp debated about what to do next just as following in Congress .