
  • 网络usher;usher raymond
  1. 亚瑟小子大热的R&B歌手在7月5日马里布的上映期时准备给他最小的儿子UsherRaymondV和另一个玩伴推着秋千。

    USHER The hot R & B crooner gets ready to give his youngest son Usher Raymond V , and another playmate a playful push during a July 5 playdate in Malibu .

  2. 亚瑟小子,广为人知的是他2004年的专辑Confessions,作为世界上最畅销歌手之一的亚瑟小子的作品在全球有6500万销量并获得7次格莱美奖。

    Usher , best known for his 2004 album Confessions , is one of the world 's best-selling artists with global sales of 65 million record and seven Grammy awards .

  3. “我见到Justin的第一眼,就发现者孩子有股只有明星才有的自信范。”美国R&B歌手亚瑟小子向时代周刊这样介绍他的朋友JustinBieber。

    " From the minute I met Justin , I knew this kid possessed a certain confidence that only a star could have ," Usher told Time of his friend and pop prot é g é, Bieber .

  4. 让我们听听亚瑟小子是怎么说的吧!

    Let 's listen to the word what usher has said !

  5. 亚瑟小子是继麦克尔·杰克逊之后的新一代流行天王。

    Usher is the new generation of pop king after Michael Jackson .

  6. 帕丽斯·希尔顿,詹妮弗·洛佩兹的女明星到亚瑟小子,

    Paris Hilton , Jennifer Lopez and Usher ,