
  • 网络armenian church
  1. 今年,土耳其以善意的姿态修复了东部范省(Van)极为珍贵的亚美尼亚教堂。

    In a gesture of goodwill , Turkey this year restored a much-prized Armenian church in the eastern province of Van .

  2. 我们看到,这位统治者不仅在伊斯法罕(Isfahan)建造了伟大的清真寺,他还建造了一座亚美尼亚大教堂。同时他还让基督教的组织来波斯做事。

    We have this ruler who not only builds the great mosques of Isfahan but also an Armenian cathedral , and who brings Christian foundations to work in Persia .

  3. 亚美尼亚的天主教堂以位于黎巴嫩的Bzoummar,作为总部。

    The Armenian Catholic Church is headquartered in Bzoummar , Lebanon .