
  1. 他们对巴西亚马孙丛林的这一宏伟蓝图被称为“魔鬼铁路”(Devil’sRailway),得名于因此消逝的成千上万条生命。它的遗迹说明了过于依赖大宗商品出口的危险性。

    The ruins of their grand designs for the Brazilian Amazon , called the Devil 's Railway because of the thousands of workers who died building it , are a testament to the dangers of relying too heavily on commodity exports .

  2. 在此期间,彼得被从安第斯山高处一座偏僻的游击队营地转移到亚马孙丛林中的另一处营地,历尽最残酷的身心磨难。

    During these discussions , Peter is moved from one remote guerilla camp high in the Andes down to another camp in the Amazonian jungle , suffering the most hellish physical and mental hardships .