
  1. 它讲述的是在亚马孙地区一个危险角落的艰苦跋涉。

    It concerns a trek into a dangerous corner of Amazonia .

  2. 新《森林法》的实施能够促进巴西亚马孙地区农业生产的可持续发展。

    The new Forest Code is to promote sustainable agricultural development in the Amazon region .

  3. 铁路将贯穿巴西亚马孙地区的三个州。这三个州的州长均表示支持该项目。

    The governors of three states in the Brazilian Amazon that the railroad would traverse are voicing support for the railway .

  4. 今天倾泻到亚马孙地区的雨水或许曾滋润过罗马帝国,或曾缓解过恐龙的干渴。

    This rain tumbling in the Amazon today might once have flowed through Imperial Rome , or slaked the thirst of a dinosaur .

  5. 其次,新《森林法》的还林条款虽会减少亚马孙地区的可耕地资源,但由于法律实施难度、农户的选择、农业技术的进步等因素,还林条款对巴西粮食产量的影响有限。

    Although reforestation will reduce arable land resources of the Amazon region , it is still less affected because of the choice of farmers , agricultural technology progress and other factors .

  6. 越来越多的科学家警告称,大规模的滥砍滥伐——亚马孙地区有20%左右的森林已经消失,另有约同等面积的森林逐步退化——可能已经产生影响,使一直以来有充足降水地区的雨水向别处转移。

    A growing number of scientists are warning that wide-scale deforestation - about 20 percent of the Amazon forest is gone already and nearly that much is degraded - may already be directing precipitation away from places long accustomed to it .

  7. 文章在介绍了巴西亚马孙地区的生物多样性和生态环境,以及生态环境所遭受破坏程度的基础上,提出了巴西政府为保护亚马孙生物多样性和生态环境采取的一系列措施;

    On the basis of introducing bio-diversity and ecological environment at the Amazon region and the serious damages suffered by ecological environment , this paper puts forward a series measures taken by the Brazilian government for protecting bio-diversity and ecological environment at the Amazon region ;

  8. 而在这之前,桑奇斯发现秘鲁亚马孙河地区的许多人坚信他们的土地无法进行农业生产。

    Mr. Sanchez found that many people in Peru 's Amazon River area had believed their soil was useless for agriculture .

  9. 仅仅在过去一年,亚马孙河地区就有约2000平方英里(约合5180平方公里)的森林遭到砍伐,面积和一个特拉华州相当,土地被用以种植大豆和饲养牛群。

    In the last year alone some 2000 square miles of the Amazon - roughly the size of Delaware - were lost to clearing , largely for planting soybeans and raising cattle .

  10. 尽管这类研究存在固有的不确定性,但“大量证据显示,改变亚马孙河地区的水循环会导致全球性的后果,”希米尔说,“这是一个相当扎实的见解。”

    Despite the uncertainty embedded in these and other studies , " There 's lots of evidence that changing the water cycle in the Amazon would have global consequences , " Dr. Schimel said . " It 's a fairly robust notion . "

  11. 诺布雷和其他气候学家正在呼吁人们立即停止砍伐森林,以及通过大规模再植森林,使亚马孙河地区恢复到健康状态,使其在气候中的重要作用稳定下来。

    Dr. Nobre and other climate experts are urging an immediate halt to deforestation , as well as large-scale planting of new forests , as a way to essentially nurse the Amazon back to full health and stabilize its pivotal role in climate .

  12. 居住在亚马孙河雨林偏远地区的部落

    tribes living in remote areas of the Amazonian rainforest

  13. 普林斯顿大学的一份研究显示,砍伐亚马孙森林可能导致远至加利福利亚州等地的干旱;而其他研究表明,最近德克萨斯州和新墨西哥州发生的干旱可能和亚马孙地区的滥砍滥伐有关。

    One Princeton study suggested that deforesting the Amazon could potentially contribute to drought in places as far away as California , while other research indicated that recent droughts in Texas and New Mexico might be linked to cutting in the Amazon .