
  • 网络delivery month;the month of delivery;contract month
  1. 交割月份合约到期,必须送交相关商品或现金的月份。

    Delivery month the month in which a contract expires and delivery of the underlying or cash is required for fulfillment .

  2. 合约交割月份设计遵循能源、商品期货特性,全年每个月均有合约交易。

    Delivery month contracts designed to follow the energy , commodity futures characteristics , have contracts each month throughout the year .

  3. 期货市场中,同一商品的两个交割月份的关系出现反常。

    A futures market in which the relationship between two delivery months of the same commodity is abnormal .

  4. 粮食期货品种的季节性,使粮食期货合约的套期保值效果因交割月份不同而存在差异;

    The grain futures variety 's seasonal characteristic , causes their hedging effectiveness are different from different delivery monthes ;

  5. 一个被制定或接受的期货合约交割月份。也叫交割月。

    The month in which futures contracts may be satisfied by making or accepting delivery . Also called the delivery month .

  6. 针对原持有的多头或空头期货寸头进行的两手交易商品、合约数量以及交割月份必须一致。

    Then , at a later date , before the futures hedge must be for the same commodity , number of contracts , and delivery month .

  7. 第二种方式:按照交割月份进行回归,从1月份到12月份,考察偏度系数的变化是否存在季节效应。

    The second way : according the delivery month , from January to December , to do regression to explore the influence on skewness coefficient , the so-called seasonal effects .

  8. 在价格走势方面,进入交割月份,股指期货收益率收敛于股票价格指数收益率的特征日益明显,此时,股指期货市场的风险受股票现货市场影响强烈。

    In terms of price trend , in the delivery month , the convergence from stock index futures return rate to the stock price index return rate is increasingly clear , during this time , market risks of stock index futures are impacted intensity by the strong spot market .

  9. 期货合约到期和可以交割的月份。

    The futures contract which matures and becomes deliverable during the present month .

  10. 指根据规定合约到期可以开始进行交割的具体月份。

    The specified month within which a futures contract matures and can be settled by delivery .

  11. 最后交割日:交割月份最后一个交易日之后的第二个营业日。

    Last Delivery Day : second business day following the last trading day of the delivery month .