
jiāo lián jù hé wù
  • cross-linked polymer
  1. SiO2/高分子核壳材料及交联聚合物的制备

    Synthesis of SiO_2 / Polymer Composite Materials and Cross-linked Polymer

  2. 结合凝胶单位体积内交联聚合物链的数量(N),本文提出了PAM/GO凝胶的结构模型。

    Combined with the theoretical calculation on the number of cross-linked polymer chains per unit volume of gels ( N ), a structure model is thereafter proposed .

  3. 蓖麻油基AB交联聚合物的介电性质

    The dielectric properties of AB crosslinked polymers based on castor oil

  4. 聚氨酯基AB交联聚合物的动态力学性质

    Dynamic mechanical properties of AB crosslinked polymers based on polyurethane and MMA

  5. 蓖麻油-甲基丙烯酸甲酯AB交联聚合物的研究

    Studies on Castor Oil / Methyl Methacrylate AB Crosslinked Copolymer

  6. COPU/PMMAAB交联聚合物的性能

    Properties of copu / pmma AB crosslinked polymers

  7. 下二门油田H2Ⅲ油组交联聚合物驱后油藏剩余油分布特征

    Distribution of Remained Oil of H_2 ⅲ Series of Strata after Cross-Linked Polymer Flooding

  8. 阳离子型Gemini表面活性剂对交联聚合物溶液性质的影响

    Effect of cationic Gemini surfactant on the property of the linked polymer solution

  9. 此外,该交联聚合物纳米粒子可用于催化CO2与环氧化合物的环加成反应,催化反应活性高,选择性好。

    Moreover , the cross-linked polymeric nanoparticles were highly active and selective catalysts for the cycloaddition reaction of carbon dioxide to epoxides .

  10. LPS运移实验说明了交联聚合物溶液在填砂管多孔介质中具有良好的传播性。

    The propagation property of the crosslinked polymer solution is excellent by the transfer process experiment in porous medium .

  11. 离子交联聚合物膜用SPG膜乳化法合成单分散性高分子微粒子

    Study on monodisperse polymer particles synthesized with SPG emulsification

  12. 离子束增强沉积纳米Fe-N磁性膜离子交联聚合物膜

    Formation of nanometer magnetic iron nitride films by ion beam enhanced deposition

  13. 濮侧2-403井组AMPS低度交联聚合物调驱技术的研究与应用

    Research and application of oil displacement and profile control technologies with AMPS weak crosslinked polymer in PC 2-403 well group

  14. 随着NaCl含量的增加,交联聚合物溶液(LPS)对1.2μm核孔膜的封堵程度先增加后下降,且存在一最佳值。

    The plugging degree of linked polymer solution ( LPS ) increased at first and then decreased with the increase of NaCl content , having a optimal value .

  15. 中原油田相继开展了CO2吞吐、N2驱、空气驱、合成聚合物驱、交联聚合物驱、微生物采油等项现场试验。

    Field tests have been made on CO2 stimulation , N2 drive , air injection displacement , synthetic polymer flooding , cross-linked polymer flooding and microbial oil recovery successively .

  16. 含有Alq3和Znq2的可交联聚合物的合成与表征

    Preparation and Characterization of Cross-linked Alq_3 and Znq_2-Containing Polymers

  17. β-环糊精交联聚合物包结5-Br-PADAP配合物富集铜和镍的研究

    Studies on the Adsorbing Enrichment of Copper and Nickel Using 5-Br-PADAP Inclusion Complex of β - Cyclodextrin Cross-Linking Polymer

  18. 聚乙烯聚吡咯烷酮(PVPP)是乙烯基吡咯烷酮(NVP)的交联聚合物,是一种性能优异的啤酒澄清剂。

    PolyVinylPolyPyrrolidone is the crosslinking polymer of N VinylPyrrolidone , And PVPP is a kind of beer clarifier ?

  19. 建立了LPS交联聚合物溶液体系深部调剖封堵模拟模型,用数值模拟方法研究了LPS体系对油藏渗透率和储层非均质性的适应性。

    The sealing model for linked polymer solution ( LPS ) deep profile control is constructed . The numerical simulation method is used to study the adaptability of LPS to reservoir permeability and non-homogenous .

  20. 由扫描电镜照片和聚合物体系扬氏模量的计算,表征了聚合物的结构形态;并且对PA/EP形成的AB交联聚合物进行了力学性能的测试。

    The structure and morphology of PA / EP AB crosslinked polymer were characterized by SEM and the calculation of Young ′ s modulus , and the mechanical properties of the crosslinked polymer were tested .

  21. 结果分离的蛋白质纯度达99.4%,分子质量为700×103,是含有双酪氨酸的蛋白交联聚合物,能够显著刺激单核细胞TNFα的分泌。

    Results The isolated protein was purified up to 99.4 % and was dityrosine-containing protein cross-linking products with molecular weight of 700 × 10 3 . It possessed the ability of triggering the considerable release of TNF - α from monocytes .

  22. 数值模拟显示,下二门油田H2Ⅲ油组交联聚合物驱后80.8%的面积已为中强水淹,纵向上79.7%的剩余油分布于主力油层。

    On the other hand , reservoir simulation shows that 80.8 % remained oil is distributed on the flooded area and 79.7 % in the main production layer in H2 ⅲ series of strata .

  23. 研究了蓖麻油聚氨酯基AB型交联聚合物(ABCP)及同步法合成互穿聚合物网络(IPN)的动态力学谱。

    The synthesis and dynamic mechanical properties of AB crosslinked Polymer ( ABCP ) and simultaneous interpenetrating polymer networks ( IPN ) based on castor oil polyurethane were studied .

  24. 研究了交联聚合物溶液(LPS)在压差为0.0981MPa下通过0.4,1.2,2.0和3.0μm孔径的核微孔滤膜的过滤速度,判断了LPC的尺寸大小。

    The filtration velocity of linked polymer solution throught nuclepore film with the pore diameter of 0.4,1.2,2.0 and 3.0 μ m was measured on the pressure of 0.098 1 MPa . The size of LPC is determined accurately .

  25. 含POSS的交联聚合物由于具有多孔性,在吸附、催化、介电等方面有着广泛的应用前景,因此POSS交联聚合物材料的研究具有特殊意义。

    Because of their unique performance in the field of catalyst , micro-and meso-porous and low dielectric materials , the crosslinked polymers containing POSS are becoming a focus of research .

  26. 采用动态光散射法(DLS)、微孔滤膜过滤法和岩心封堵实验法研究了交联聚合物微球体系水化后的粒径变化、封堵性能和压缩变形性能。

    The hydration size , the plugging capacity , the compressibility and deformability of a linked polymer micro-ball system were studied by using dynamic light scattering ( DLS ), nuclepore membrane filtration and core flooding test .

  27. 用紫外光聚合方法制备出一系列不同组成的聚己二酸己二醇酯聚氨酯(PHAPU)和甲基丙烯酸甲醇(MMA)AB交联聚合物(ABCP)。

    A series of AB crosslinked polymers ( ABCPs ) based on poly ( hexamethylene adipate ) - polyurethane ( PHAPU ) and methyl methacrylate ( MMA ) with various compositions were pre-pared by means of ultra-violet initiation polymerization .

  28. DOC-8解堵剂不仅能解除聚合物堵塞,对交联聚合物引起的堵塞也有很强的恢复作用。

    To solve this problem , the authors develop an efficient polymer blocking remover DOC-8 , which not only can break down polymer plugging but also have strong restoring force for the cross-linked polymer plugging .

  29. 本文主要研究了交联聚合物驱油体系的特性和特征及其影响因素,对开发的耐温抗盐有机金属交联剂SC-1的性能及适用性进行了评价和研究。

    It will serve as an instruction for efficient development of high temperature and high salt Reservoir in shengli oilfield . The paper mainly studys the characters and influencing factors of Cross Linked Polymer Flooding system . Its performance and applicability are also evaluated .

  30. β-环糊精交联聚合物树脂固定相分光光度法测定铜

    Solid-Phase Spectrophotometric Determination of Copper With β - Cyclodextrin Cross-Linked Polymer