
  1. 基于ARM和数码相机的交通违法抓拍系统设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Capture System for Traffic Violation Based on ARM and Digital Camera

  2. 算法对低品质JPEG压缩具有良好的鲁棒性,对大容量交通违法JPEG图像水印处理具有较好的实时性。

    The algorithm has strong robustness for low-quality JPEG compression and good real-time processing performance for large-volume traffic violation JPEG images .

  3. 常德市交通违法状况调查

    The Research of Breaking the Traffic Law in Changde City

  4. 改革交通违法行为处理方式的几点思考

    Study about Reform of the Traffic Management Model on Settling Illegal Activities

  5. 交通违法行为是影响道路交通安全畅通有序的重要因素,对交通违法行为实施行政处罚是交通管理工作的重要手段之一。

    Nowadays , traffic illegal activities are the main factor of traffic accidents .

  6. 交通违法行为图像成为交通违法的重要法律依据。

    The traffic violation images become an important legal basis for traffic offense .

  7. 然而交通违法现象仍普遍存在,有的甚至愈演愈烈,我们常德市也不例外。

    However , the phenomenon of traffic offence has existed , some even worse .

  8. 从一起交通违法案例看依法行政

    On Administration by Law from a Traffic Case

  9. 第三部分为常德市交通违法的防控策略。

    The third part should be the preventive measures of breaking the Traffic Law .

  10. 确保交通违法行为图像的真实性、有效性、合法性成为关键。

    Ensure authenticity , validity and legality of traffic violation images is more important .

  11. 第二部分为常德市交通违法的现状和原因。

    The second part can be divided into the state of traffic and reasons in Changde .

  12. 人出现交通违法行为时,车辆可以不给行人让行。

    When the pedestrians are violating the traffic regulations , the vehicles may not yield to the pedestrians .

  13. 新交规对52种交通违法行为进行记分处罚,而此前的规定是38种。

    Moreover , 52 kinds of violations can result in penalties , up from 38 under the previous regulation .

  14. 为看到这些计算机如何把每样事物聚在一起,让我们看看典型的交叉路口和典型的交通违法行为。

    To see how these computers bring everything together , let 's look at a typical intersection and a typical traffic violation .

  15. 析电子警察的运用与行政处罚原则的遵守&从两例交通违法处罚案件说起

    Analyzing the Utilization of " Electronic Police " and Abiding by the Disciplinary Penalize Principle & From talking about two cases of traffic penalize

  16. 探讨了交通违法治理的各种决策方法,包括决策树方法、模糊综合评判方法和多级模糊推理方法。

    This chapter analyzed several decision methods for traffic violation management , including decision tree method , fuzzy inference method and multi-order fuzzy inference method .

  17. 6月,中国四川省警方也开始利用无人机来监控交通违法,包括违停及占用应急车道等。

    In June , police in Southwest China 's Sichuan began to use drones to detect traffic violations , such as illegal parking and occupying emergency lanes .

  18. 目前上海自行车总量趋于饱和,无牌无证现象较严重,交通违法居高不下,给交通安全带来隐患,影响城市的文明形象。

    At present , the total of bicycle and treadmill is saturated and the unlawful practice of traffic is serious so that it has destroyed the civilization of city .

  19. 首先介绍非现场执法前期在我国的推广情况以及目前潍坊市所采用的交通违法自动监测系统的运行情况。

    First , it introduces the promotion of the off-site enforcement in our country early and the operation of the traffic offence automatic monitoring system used by Weifang City currently .

  20. 目前,对于交通违法状况、执勤民警工作情况和勤务警力部署调整,仍然沿用多年来传统的管理模式,依照经验或手工计算来进行管理。

    At present , traditional management mode is used in adjusting illegal traffic , working of a police and deploying police force , such as experience management and computation by hands .

  21. 根据交通违法行为特征,提出了基于违法记分分值的当量违法总次数分析方法,并对违法黑点进行了预测。

    According to the characteristics of traffic violations , an equivalent total violation analysis method based on penalty points was proposed . Prediction of black-spots of traffic violations was made too .

  22. 记者从市交警支队了解到,从星期三开始,我市交警部门将试点罚款收入收缴管理制度改革,交通违法罚款将可以实现实时对账。

    A pilot reform for fast traffic fine cash-in will be implemented on this coming Wednesday ; the citation remittance will be cleared in real time , as our reporter has learned .

  23. 通过实例分析,将各种黑点分析方法对比验证,证明了黑点分析方法的有效性。再次,研究了基于二级模糊推理的交通违法治理决策方法。

    Through experimental analysis , black-spots analysis methods can effectively analyze the locations of traffic violation black-spots . Fourthly , traffic violation management decision algorithm based on second-order fuzzy inference theory was studied .

  24. 醉驾入刑意味着醉酒驾驶这一危及公众安全的交通违法行为自此受到刑事处罚,醉驾者的违法成本也随之加大。

    Drunk driving into the criminal means drunk driving which endangers public safety and the traffic violations is treated as criminal penalties . Meanwhile , the drunk driving law costs will also increase .

  25. 机动车超速行驶是最严重的道路交通违法行为之一,是造成道路交通事故的主要原因,给人类的生命健康和财产造成了巨大的损失。

    The over speed is one of most serious road traffic illegal activities , is the main reason to create the road traffic accident , has created massive loss for humanity 's life and health and the property .

  26. 对交通违法行为图像进行水印嵌入和提取以及准确鉴定图像的安全状态,防止原始违法行为图像在网络传输、存储和校对过程被人为篡改。

    In order to avoid original illegal images being tampered artificially during network transmission , storing , and proofreading , the algorithm embeds and extracts watermark for traffic violation images and accurately identify the security status of the images .

  27. 但是从总体上看,目前国内的交通违法管理信息系统信息共享有限,难以实现数据一体化处理,对于违法的主体一司机,没有一个交互的接口。

    But from an overall perspective , the current domestic traffic offence management information system limited information sharing , it is difficult to achieve integration of data processing , the mainstay of the law - drivers , not an interactive interface .

  28. 结论:驾驶员心理健康状况与交通安全违法驾驶行为有关。

    Conclusions : The mental health conditions of automobile drivers was directly related to traffic violations .

  29. 开罗以拥挤不堪的交通,违法驾驶、破旧汽车以及空气污染而闻名。

    Cairo is known for its overcrowded roads , irregular driving practices and shaky old vehicles , but also for its air pollution .

  30. 交通安全违法行为的处罚种类包括:警告、罚款、暂扣或者吊销驾驶证、拘留。

    The punishments against the violations of the regulations on road traffic safety include warning , fine , temporary detention or revocation of the driving license , and detention .