
  • 网络Helmholtz Equation;Gibbs-Helmholtz equation
  1. 平板宽波导CO2激光器波导内光场分布满足亥姆霍兹方程。

    The optical field distribution in wide planar-waveguide CO_2 gas laser satisfies Helmholtz equation .

  2. BPM(Beam-PropagationMethod)是标量亥姆霍兹方程的迭代解法,用它可计算光振福在光纤或波导中的分布。

    BPM ( Beam-Propagation Method ) is an iterative solution of the scalar Helmholtz equation .

  3. 吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程告诉我们,等于-/T,the,d,delta,G,over,T,dT,is,equal,to,minus,delta,H,over,T。,关于G和T的基本方程。

    The Gibbs-Helmholtz equation is that d / dT fundamental equations about G and H.

  4. 针对这些问题,文中首先基于亥姆霍兹方程和单管半导体激光器的远场分布特性,建立了HLDA的远场分布模型。

    In order to solve these problems , based on Helmholtz equation and far-field distribution characteristics of single laser diode ( SLD ), a far-field expression of HLDA is established firstly in the paper .

  5. 推导出斜坐标系下,亥姆霍兹方程的五点差分格式;

    The five-grid difference format of Helmholtz equation in slanting coordinate have been derived .

  6. 就是吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程。

    It 's called the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation .

  7. 得到了类比于光子晶体的亥姆霍兹方程的弦振动系统的本征值方程,并利用该方程研究了光子晶体的导带和禁带特征。

    The characteristics of conduction band and forbidden band of photonic crystals are investigated with a macroscopical chord vibrating system indirectly .

  8. 用泰勒级数法推出直角坐标系下亥姆霍兹方程的七点差分格式和九点差分格式;

    The seven-grid difference format and nine-grid difference format of Helmholtz equation in right coordinate in the way of Taylor series method have been derived .

  9. 从亥姆霍兹方程出发,得到了各向异性光波导在弱导近似下的耦合模理论。

    A new coupled-mode theory based on scalar modes is presented for the anisotropic waveguide with random disturbance via Helmholtz equation and a modified dielectric tensor .

  10. 本文还求解了磁标量满足的拉普拉斯方程,电磁矢量满足的亥姆霍兹方程,利用边值问题求解电磁场,并且应用麦克斯韦应力张量来计算某些电磁作用力。

    This paper also solves the electromagnetic field through the use of boundary value problem and calculates certain electromagnetic force through the application of Maxwell stress tensor .

  11. 通过亥姆霍兹方程研究了双弯曲截面柔性波导的本征模式;运用光学方法计算了波导的传输效率。

    The eigenmode of a hollow waveguide with two curved surfaces was analyzed with Helmholtz equation and the transmitting efficiency of the hollow waveguide was analyzed with a ray optics approach .

  12. 本文从二维亥姆霍兹方程的基本解出发,讨论了用边界元法求解双介质加载金属波导截止频率的一般原理。

    Based on the fundamental solution of a two dimensional Helmholtz equation , the general principle of determing the cut-off frequencies of waveguides filled with two dielectric layers by using the boundary element method is discussed .

  13. 该理论基于经典的多层复合壳体理论,亥姆霍兹方程,以及壳体-流体交界面,壳体-圆环连接出的边界条件,还有无穷远辐射条件。

    The theory is based on the classical laminated composite shell theory , the Helmholtz equation , and the boundary conditions at the shell-fluid interface as well as at the junctions between the shell and the rings .

  14. 通过分析声波亥姆霍兹方程,对其进行坐标变换,基于传播方程的形式不变性,只需重新定义介质的有效参数(有效密度和有效弹性模量)。

    By analysis of acoustic Helmholtz equation with coordinate transformation , we found that due to the form invariant of the propagation equation , only the effect parameters ( effect density and effect bulk modulus ) will change .

  15. 亥姆霍兹方程是一个波方程的时间调和解答,寻求高精度的数值解一直是计算力学界研究的主题。

    The Helmholtz equation is an elliptic partial differential equation which is a time-harmonic solution of the wave equation . Obtaining an efficient and more accurate numerical solution for the Helmholtz equation has been the subject of many studies .

  16. 由亥姆霍兹方程的平面波解和球面波解,直接证明了平面波在中心力场弹性散射条件下的分波展开式,并阐明了其物理意义。

    According to the solution for plane wave and the solution for spherical wave of the Helmhotz equation , a direct calculation of the plane wave 's expansion equation in partial waves under the condition the central-field and elastic scattering , and the its significance in Physics are introduced herein .

  17. 利用复合亥姆霍兹积分方程解决了边界元方法在计算声学外问题时解的不唯一现象。

    An artificial boundary numerical method for the exterior problems of the hyperbolic equation is considered .

  18. 利用各向同性均匀介质中亥姆霍兹波动方程,对空气包层熔融石英微纳光纤的光波导特性进行了系统的研究。

    Based on the Helmholtz wave equations of isotropic homogeneous medium , single-mode optical wave guiding properties of air-silica micro / nano-fibers are numerically studied .

  19. 应用亥姆霍兹积分方程与有限元方法,建立了换能器在水中的振动方程,导出了换能器辐射声场指向性公式。

    The underwater equations of the class VII flex-tensional transducer are established and the radiation field of the transducers is investigated by using a Helmholtz integral & finite element hybrid method .

  20. 曲率驱动的基于亥姆霍兹涡量方程的图像修复模型

    A Curvature-Driven Image Inpainting Model Based on Helmholtz Vorticity Equation