
  • 网络output level
  1. 自然产出水平在长期和短期都受到影响。

    Te output level is affected both in the short run and in the long run .

  2. 英国经济现在似乎是一团糟:通胀居高不下,产出水平缺口与财政赤字很大。

    The UK economy looks a mess : inflation stubbornly high , output level and fiscal deficits large .

  3. CBO估计,潜在GDP比当前实际产出水平高6%左右。

    The CBO estimates that potential GDP is about 6 percent above the actual level of output .

  4. 丰田(Toyota)昨日表示,从明年春季起的一年多时间内,将关闭一条大规模国内生产线。这表明该公司预计不会很快恢复到危机前的产出水平。

    Toyota said yesterday that it would shut a big domestic production line for more than a year from next spring , in a sign that it does not expect a rapid recovery to pre-crisis output levels .

  5. 在它过去所做的17次季度通胀预测中,MPC有12次向下修正了对两年后产出水平的预测,只有3次向上修正。

    Over its past 17 quarterly inflation forecasts , the committee has revised down its prediction of the level of output two years hence 12 times and shifted the forecast higher only three times .

  6. 发达国家竭尽全力也难以回归危机前的产出水平,而国际货币基金组织(IMF)今年早些时候就已经估计,亚洲和拉美发展中国家的产出分别较1997年至2006年的趋势水平高出7%和2%。

    While the developed world has been struggling to return to pre-crisis output levels , the International Monetary Fund estimated earlier this year that the output of developing Asia and Latin America was 7 per cent and 2 per cent above 1997-2006 trends respectively .

  7. 研究结果表明,我国农业信贷与农业经济增长之间存在正相关关系,增加农业信贷投入,可以提高农业产出水平。

    The increase in agricultural loans input will enhance agricultural output .

  8. 产出水平和垂直消隐提供。

    Horizontal and vertical blanking of the outputs is provided .

  9. 如果自发行动是有效的,它将导致一个有效率的产出水平,或人们有更充分的权利分享收入。

    Effective spontaneous behavior will result in an efficient output .

  10. 企业确定最佳产出水平的定量分析

    Quantitative analysis of the best output of enterprises

  11. 对提高投入产出水平的战略思考

    Strategic Reflections for Raising Input and Output

  12. 结果表明,汇率对我国物价及产出水平的影响不是十分显著。

    The conclusion shows that exchange rate has no significant influence to price and output .

  13. 一个社会所能容纳的就业总量,除了受全社会的产出水平决定外,还受其它一些因素的影响。

    Employment capacity of a society is influenced by both production level and other factors .

  14. 目前,美国政策制定者必须保持的需求水平,超出充分就业产出水平约7%。

    Currently , these policymakers must keep demand some 7 per cent above full-employment levels of output .

  15. 该放大器单位有内置的过载保护电路,监测产出水平和保护司机。

    The amplifier unit has built in overload protection circuitry to monitor output levels and protect the drivers .

  16. 其质量水平及环境条件直接影响农业产业结构、耕地产出水平及农产品质量。

    Its environmental quality has a direct influence on agricultural structure , land output and quality of its produces .

  17. 在需求制约的经济环境下,经济的产出水平由消费、投资、净出口综合决定。

    Under the circumstance of consumption deciding economy , consumption , investment , and net export decide the product level .

  18. 违背比较优势的技术选择,将会降低产出水平,影响人力资本的积累。

    However , economies that adopt comparative-advantage following strategy will low its output , and temper accumulation in human capital .

  19. 但是,在今后,自然资源的有限性和稀缺性将日益明显地制约产出水平的提高。

    But from now on , it is the limits and lack of natural resources that restrict the improvement of production .

  20. 均衡点是指销售收入和成本相等即利润为零的产出水平。

    The break-even point is the point at which sales revenue and costs are equal that is the profit is zero .

  21. 要回答这一问题,方法之一是估计在竞争行业中,产出水平对生产成本的影响。

    One way to answer this question is to estimate how output levels influence the costs of production in a competitive industry .

  22. 均衡分析法要确定的是,在不同价格条件下何种产出水平可以使公司的收入等同于它的成本。

    Break-even analysis involves determining the level of output at which a firm 's revenues will equal its costs at different prices .

  23. 不同的货币危机对经济产出水平有不同的影响,文章主要研究货币危机与产出水平之间的关系。

    Different kinds of currency crises have different economic effects . This paper mainly discusses the relationship between currency crises and output level .

  24. 本论文提出以下假设,即高中英语课堂上学生存在一定程度的语言焦虑,并与其话语产出水平成负相关。

    The paper holds the hypothesis that language anxiety of High School Students in EFL classroom is negatively correlated to their oral production .

  25. 土地价格反映出土地的产出水平,是判定土地使用规划合理性、科学性的重要工具。

    Land price reflects an output standard of land , and is an important tool judging reasonable and scientific level of land use planning .

  26. 然后通过构建一个基于数据包络分析理论的线性规划模型来分析不同限额分配方案对产出水平和污染排放总额的影响。

    Then a DEA-based programming is proposed to study the impact of different quota allocation schemes on the level of output and total pollution emissions .

  27. 同时,分析行业内部的投入水平、行业内部的产出水平及外部环境因素对技术效率的影响情况。

    At the same time , analysis the investment level industry , industry internal levels of output and the external environment impact on technical efficiency .

  28. 汇率政策与外债危机的联系机制关键在于产出水平对实际汇率偏离的敏感度以及投资者对汇率变动结果的预期状况。

    The elasticity of output to the real exchange rate and the creditors ' expectation of the exchange rate change are keys to equilibrium result .

  29. 句子产出水平与词块能力相关性研究各向异性射孔水平井气井的产能评价

    The Correlation Between An English Learner s Lexical Phrase Size and His Sentence-producing Competence ; Deliverability Evaluation of Perforated Horizontal Gas Well in Anisotropic Formation

  30. 通过对模型的数量分析发现,如果好的产出水平大于债务重组金额2倍,选择可转债或可转换优先股都是最优的债务重组工具;

    The analysis shows that convertible preferred stock or convertible debt is the best if good output level is twice as high as the original capital .