
chǎn qián jiǎn chá
  • antenatal examination
  1. 孕妇产前检查影响因素分析及对策

    The Factors Influencing Antenatal Examination of Pregnant Women and the Countermeasures

  2. 中国西部部分贫困地区孕妇产前检查影响因素分析

    Study on the influent factors of antenatal examination in West Poor Rural Areas of China

  3. 产前检查时间为星期三。

    The antenatal clinic is on Wednesdays .

  4. 治疗一些类型的先天性肾上腺增生性肥大能够运用诸如羊水诊断或绒毛膜取样的产前检查被发现。

    Treatment some forms of CAH can be detected in prenatal tests like amniocentesis or villus sampling .

  5. 结果产前检查率、住院分娩率、新法接生率、母乳喂率MR组均低于对照组,有显著性差异(P<005);

    Results The results showed that prenatal care rate , hospital delivery rate , breast feeding rate in the case group were lower than those in the control group .

  6. 结论:TORCH系列病原体活动感染对围生儿预后会产生严重的不良影响,是导致妇女不良妊娠结局的重要原因之一,TORCH筛查应作为产前检查的常规项目。

    Conclusion : TORCH series active infection is one of the important causes of abnormal pregnant outcomes .

  7. 方法将1995年1月至2004年12月,在我院产前检查并诊为ICP的患者556例,根据ICP患者的血清胆红素、肝转氨酶和甘胆酸水平分为轻度与重度ICP。

    Methods 556 ICP cases were diagnosed in our hospital from January 1995 to December 2004.They were graded into mild ICP and severe ICP based on liver function tests .

  8. 随着磁共振成像(MRI)技术的进步,胎儿磁共振在临床产前检查上应用的越来越广泛,并且逐渐成为研究大脑发育和成熟的重要手段。

    Driven by the ongoing magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) techniques progress , fetal MR imaging has been more and more applied in clinical prenatal diagnosis . Moreover , it also become an essential tool to study fetal brain development and maturation .

  9. 目的探讨用分子生物学方法检测血液Duffy血型基因型及该方法应用于HDN产前检查的可行性。

    Objective To evaluate a new molecular method for Duffy blood group genotyping and the possibility to apply this method to prenatal diagnosis of HDN .

  10. 方法采用抗体捕获ELISA法对产前检查及近期自然流产诊治的妇女共778例,进行TORCH-IgM抗体检测。

    Methods Antibody capture technique ( ELISA ) measuring the level of TORCH-IgM was used in a total of 778 cases of women who had prenatal examination or recent spontaneous abortion in the hospital .

  11. 通过单因素分析、条件logistic回归分析,得出围产儿死亡危险因素为孕周、出生体重、产前检查异常、孕晚期性生活、重度妊高征、产次及孕期增重等。

    The risk factors tested by t-test , X2 , and conditional logistic regression were included gestational age , birthweight , obstetric problem detected antenatally , severe pregnancy-induced hypertension ( PIH ), sexual intercourse in last trimester , birth order , and weight gain during pregnancy .

  12. 由此提出一套由多种产前检查手段组成的MSAFP筛查系统,作为加强孕期高危管理的措施。

    At last , the MSAFP screening system which was composed of prenatal examination means was suggested .

  13. 孕妇30岁,第3胎孕26周,产前检查羊水培养核型为46,XY,inv(9),有一女为先天呆傻。

    A pregnant woman of 30 years had had prenatal diagnosis at the 26 th gestation week of her third pregnancy , the karyotype of amniotic cell culture was 46 , XY , inv ( 9 ) .

  14. 结论:①建议首次产前检查的孕妇均做血常规检查,MCV、MCH值可作为妊娠合并地中海贫血筛查的指征。

    Conclusion : ① Blood routine examination is recommended for the pregnant women who make the prenatal check-up for the first time . The value of MCV and MCH may serve as the demand for screening of Mediterranean anemia in pregnancy .

  15. 方法:1999年5月~1999年8月对上海地区11家医院产前检查的24~36孕周的1910例孕妇,进行75g口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT)。

    Methods : 1910 pregnant women from 11 hospitals of Shanghai was performed 75g oral glucose tolerance test ( OGTT ) at gestational 24 ~ 36 weeks from May 1999 to Aug 1999.GDM was diagnosed if two or more values of ( OGTT ) were met or exceeded .

  16. 红细胞参数筛查地中海贫血在产前检查中的应用价值

    The Value of Erythrocytic Parameters on Screening Thalassanemia in Prenatal Diagnosis

  17. 加强产前检查,减少高危妊娠。

    To strange the obstetrics check decrease the high risk pregnancy .

  18. 产前检查中建议序列的会话分析研究

    A Conversational Analysis of Suggestion-seeking / Suggestion-giving Sequence in Prenatal Consultation

  19. 产前检查妇女细菌性阴道病的筛检和相关危险因素的研究

    Study on screening and risk factors of bacterial vaginosis among pregnant women

  20. 产前检查次数小于3次的75.49%;

    Prenatal examination frequency less than 3 occupied 75.49 % ;

  21. 我今天上午要去作产前检查。

    I 'm going for my antenatal this morning .

  22. 因此,中段尿培养在产前检查中实属必要。

    So , mid-stream clean catch urinary culture are necessary in antepartum examination .

  23. 高危孕妇产前检查失约原因分析及护理对策

    Causes of Absence of Prenatal Tests in Women with High Risk Pregnancy and Countermeasures

  24. 上海市产前检查和住院分娩费用调查

    The Cost Investigation of Antenatal Check - up and Hospital Delivery in Shanghai City

  25. 标准产前检查模式的依从性和效果

    Compliance and Efficacy of Standard Antenatal Care Model

  26. 大多数孕妇未做产前检查,往往在家中分娩。

    Most pregnant women did not receive prenatal checkups and gave birth at home .

  27. 你是否做过常规产前检查?

    Have you been getting gular prenatal care ?

  28. 文盲妇女、经济收入低的妇女产前检查率极低。

    Women who were illiterate or women with low income seldom sought prenatal examination .

  29. 欧洲关于产前检查并终止妊娠对出生缺陷监测发生率影响的资料分析

    Impact of Prenatal Detection and Termination of Pregnancy on Prevalence of Birth Defects in Europe

  30. 产前检查与妊娠结局之间的关系

    Relation between Prenatal Examination and Pregnant Outcomes