
  • 网络Product innovation strategy;Product-innovation Strategy;product invention
  1. 新经济时代产品创新策略探讨

    How to Use Product Innovation Strategy Meeting the Challenge of The New Econmy

  2. 第四章应用耐用品理论研究了面临进入威胁的耐用品垄断商和潜在进入者的销售策略和定价策略,市场进入策略和产品创新策略。

    In chapter 4 I investigate the sales strategy and pricing strategy , market entry strategy and product innovation strategy when there is entry threat .

  3. 其中包括观念的创新策略、产品创新策略、营销创新策略、品牌创新策略、价格策略创新、服务创新。

    Produce innovation tactics . Marketing innovation tactics . Brand innovation tactics .

  4. 第四章研究耐用品行业的市场进入策略与产品创新策略。

    In chapter 4 , I analyze the market entry strategies and product innovation strategies of firms which producing durable goods .

  5. 主要包括:合理定价、购物环境开发策略、产品创新策略、联合开发策略、包装方案和秦皇岛旅游纪念品开发思路六个部分。

    Strategy includes reasonable pricing , shopping environment , product innovation strategy , the joint development strategy , packaging program and ideas to the development of tourism souvenirs .

  6. 本文提出企业核心竞争力是由内部能力(包括内部管理与技术创新)和外部能力(市场营销)组成。第三章引进创新,本文着重讲述了在DSF整体战略指导下的新产品引进创新策略。

    Chapter III-Introduction and innovation contributes more efforts in the introduction and innovation policy of new products guided by DSF general strategy .

  7. 论文主要从产品创新、策略创新、观念创新三个方面来阐释。

    The thesis demonstrates mainly from three parts : product , policy and idea .

  8. 同时,借用生态位概念,提出老字号企业经营转型及产品创新的策略建议。

    Meanwhile , borrowed niche concept , came up with strategy advice on the enterprise management transformation and the product innovation of Time-honored Brand enterprise .

  9. 非价格竞争是现代市场营销竞争的发展趋势,实施非价格竞争有五种策略:产品创新竞争策略,名牌商标竞争策略,包装竞争策略,销售服务竞争策略,促销宣传竞争策略。

    Non-price competition represents the trend of modern marketing competition . It includes five competition strategies & product innovation , brand names and trade marks , packaging , sales service and product promotion .

  10. 和你的产品一样,创新策略将让你的商业模式更好。

    Like your products , it will probably take several versions to get your business model right ; you get better with practice .

  11. 知识经济时代企业产品销售的服务创新策略分析

    Analysis of Creative Strategies on Product-sold Service in Knowledge Economy Age

  12. 基于体验经济理论的产品概念与营销创新策略

    The Conception of Product and the Tactics of Marketing Innovation Based on Theory of Experience Economic

  13. 第一章产品创新理论研究总结了产品创新的一般理论,特别是与DFS产品创新策略相关的理论。

    Independent innovation and Prediction and suggestion . Chapter I-Theoretic study of product innovation summarizes the general theory of product innovation , especially the theory of innovation policy relevant with DSF product .

  14. 文章探析了产品概念创新营销的内涵、产生的背景以及企业在运作产品概念创新营销策略时应注意的应用原则,列举了几个成功实施产品概念创新营销的案例,以示启迪。

    This paper explores the connotation , relevant background and applying principles of this new marketing mode , and enumerates several successful cases of the marketing of products concept innovation for enlightening .

  15. 对高新技术企业不同产品的竞争策略进行分析,分别讨论了不同产品的价格策略、不同产品的创新策略以及不同策略之间的关系。

    The text analyzes the competing tactic of different product of high-new-tech enterprise , and respectively discusses the price tactic , innovation tactic of different product and the relation of the two tactic .