
  • 网络product;Product Strategy
  1. Apple公司与供应商合作开发新产品策略探讨

    The Research of Apple Inc 's Strategy for the New Product Co-Development with Suppliers

  2. 提供IBMRational产品策略和方向上的指导。

    Provide guidance to IBM Rational on product strategy and direction .

  3. 在模块化UPS的产品策略营销中,服务将是一个重要的环节。

    In modular UPS product marketing strategy , service is an important part .

  4. 1.产品策略:保持专注vs.拓展范围。

    Product strategy : stay focused vs. broaden the footprint .

  5. CUBA品牌产品策略及销售网络的构建

    The CUBA Brand Product Strategy and Sales Network Constructing

  6. 结合对寿险市场、消费者行为、竞争对手以及监管政策等影响因素的分析,依托服务营销等相关理论,对PA人寿保险公司的产品策略进行了深入的研究和探索。

    In marketing in service , made the thorough study to the product tactics of PA Company .

  7. 第三章:PA人寿保险公司产品策略的影响要素分析。

    Chapter 3 : The analysis of main influence factors of product tactics of PA Life insurance Company .

  8. 与ProductOwner一起在产品策略和愿景上投入精力,并在产品Backlog的内容和优先级上为ProductOwner提供反馈意见。

    Provide input to the Product Owner on the product strategy and vision , and give feedback to the Product Owner on the content and prioritization of the Product Backlog .

  9. 之前,我曾担任过微软(Microsoft)的工程师,后在谷歌(Google)负责产品策略,之后又在客户关系管理软件服务供应商Salesforce.com负责AppExchange。

    Com ( CRM ) & that led me to write a New York Times bestseller , the Facebook era .

  10. 最后给出了ST公司半导体电源部中国市场营销策略,包括:产品策略,渠道策略,促销策略和大客户战略联盟策略。

    Finally , four marketing strategies are being used into the practice in ST Power B.U , including : production strategy 、 sales-channel strategy 、 promotion strategy and strategic-alliance strategy .

  11. 本文主要是对NEC手机市场营销策略中的重要组成部分-产品策略进行分析。

    This report analyzes one of the most important strategies of NEC Telecom , which is Product Strategy .

  12. 营销案例教学模式探索分别从产品策略、价格策略、促销策略和分销策略四方面进行分析,总结HC公司营销工作存在的不足,为有针对性地提出营销策略打下基础。

    On Case-based Teaching Technique in Sale Course The analysis is made from the following four aspects : product tactics , pricing tactics , sale promotion tactics and distribution tactics .

  13. 产品策略中信息的收集和新组件的采购都是为新模型设计做指导的。新模型是用UnigraphicsNX软件制作的一个完整的详细的三维模型。

    The information collected through the work carried out in product strategy and in sourcing new components is used to guide the design of new models .

  14. 以及在发展战略目标下的经营策略:产品策略、自有品牌和OEM两条腿走路策略、市场营销策略、企业文化策略、企业信息化策略等竞争、经营策略。

    They are strategic agreement , strategic reform management and human resource management , and its products strategy , its own brand , OEM strategy , marketing strategy , enterprise culture strategy , enterprise information strategy by means of strategic evaluation .

  15. 营销组织与营销控制研究。营销活动与营销决策研究是市场营销学的核心内容,也就是营销学常说的4Ps,即产品策略、渠道策略、定价策略、促销策略。

    The core idea of marketing is marketing activity and marketing decision , which is often mentioned as 4Ps in marketing , that is , product strategy , channel strategy , pricing strategy and promotion strategy .

  16. 现阶段SG公司的网络营销策略主要包括网站建设策略、网络营销吸引策略(包括网站推广策略、网络营销促销、顾客服务策略)、网络营销产品策略、网络营销价格策略以及网络营销物流配送策略。

    Nowadays the e-marketing strategies mainly includes that website construction , the internet marketing attraction ( including website promotion , e-marketing and promotion , the service on the consumers ), the products of e-marketing , the price of e-marketing , the delivery of e-marketing .

  17. 平安保险公司团体健康保险产品策略研究

    The Study of Products Strategy of Group Health Insurance of PICA

  18. 重庆联通数据与固定通信产品策略研究

    Research on Product Strategy of Chongqing Unicom Data and Fixed Line

  19. 用现代营销理念看加油站的产品策略

    Research into Product Strategies of Gas Station by the Modern Marketing Views

  20. 未来中国家具工业的设计战略和产品策略

    The Design Strategy and Products Tactics of China 's Furniture Industry in Future

  21. 跨国公司产品策略研究&以中国市场为例

    A Study on Product Strategy of Transnational Corporations & The Case of China market

  22. 生态旅游绿色营销的产品策略分析

    An Analysis on Green-marketing Product Strategy of Ecotourism

  23. 其产品策略为:重点进行业务多元化和交叉业务销售;

    Its product strategy : focusing on business diversification and cross - operational marketing ;

  24. 房地产市场细分与产品策略选择的实践性探讨

    Market selection ; Practical Approach on Market Segments and Product Strategy for Real Estate

  25. 第一是产品策略。

    The first is the product strategy .

  26. 中国家具企业产品策略研究

    The Chinese Furniture Business Product Strategy Research

  27. 产品策略包括了开发时间计划、产品上市计划和产品构架。

    Product strategy included development time plan , product launching plan , and product structure .

  28. 城市经营的产品策略研究

    On Tactics for Products About Urban Management

  29. 聚合营销的产品策略研究

    Research on Product Strategy of Convergence Marketing

  30. 第三,产品策略。

    Third : Product Strategy , 1 .