
chǎn pǐn jié ɡòu
  • product mix
  1. PDM系统的产品结构管理与版本控制

    PDM System 's Product Mix Manage and Edition Control

  2. 对TG集团公司现有产品结构、营销渠道、客户市场等进行分析。

    TG Corporation of the existing product mix , marketing channels , customer market is analyzed .

  3. 产品结构梯次合理。

    Product structure is rationally ranked .

  4. 基于Web异步加载的产品结构树设计及其软件实现

    Design and Realization of Web-based Asynchronous Loading Product Structure Tree

  5. 基于CAD图形文件的产品结构管理系统

    Product Structure Manager System Based on CAD Drawing File

  6. 描述了基于XML的换热设备产品结构模型。

    In addition , this paper presents the structure model of heat exchanger products based on XML .

  7. 面向对象分析与设计技术(OOA&D)及统一建模语言(UML)在产品结构管理中的应用

    Application of OOA & D and UML in the Product Structure Management

  8. 产品结构树在CAPP信息管理中的应用

    Research on Application of Product Structure Tree in CAPP Information Management

  9. 本文对J2EE架构的软件应用体系和产品结构与产品配置有关的理论进行了研究。

    This paper researches the architecture of J2EE and product structure and product config .

  10. 一种实现PDM产品结构管理的扩展产品结构树

    An Extended Product Structure Tree for Product Structure Management in PDM

  11. 基于CAE的冰箱产品结构与外包装方案优化

    Optimization of Refrigerator 's Structure and Packaging Project based on CAE

  12. PDM系统中产品结构模型的研究

    Research on Product Structure Model Based on PDM System

  13. PDM中图形化产品结构树的实现

    Realization of Visual Product Data Configuration in PDM

  14. 面向MC的产品结构与生产工艺管理技术及其应用研究

    Research on the Technology and Application of MC-oriented Product Structure and Manufacturing Process Management

  15. 首先,讨论了在制造业中占有最重要地位的产品结构管理功能,提出了基于产品结构树的产品结构数据模型,方便了PDM系统对产品数据的组织与管理;

    This model is convenient to organizing and managing the product data in PDM system .

  16. 基于产品结构树和FMEA的故障诊断方法研究

    The Research of the Method Based on Product Structure Tree and FMEA

  17. 继而结合中国改革开放和加入WTO组织之后的实际经验解释对外贸易对我国的出口产品结构和就业结构的转变。

    This paper considering the practical experience to explain the trade effects on the structure change of product and employment after Reform and Opening up and entering the WTO .

  18. 采用OECD组织衡量农业支持的指标体系和数据对中美农业支持状况进行了实证研究,分析了中国在农业支持水平、投入结构和产品结构方面存在的问题。

    Applying OECD'index system and data of agriculture support to numeral study China and America ' agriculture support ;

  19. 以此为基础,建立PDM中产品结构管理的功能结构,并讨论了产品结构管理与PDM的集成关系。

    Based on it , the function structure of PSM is set up and the integration of PSM and PDM is discussed .

  20. 同时,基于PDM构架的产品结构定义和配置管理是企业信息化支持平台中必不可少的核心功能。

    At the same time , practically product structure definition and configuration management under PDM architecture is one absolutely necessary core function of enterprise e-manufacturing supporting platform .

  21. 鉴于LF法对酒钢今后产品结构的调整具有重要的意义,所以,围绕提高LF精炼效率这个中心议题开展了研究。

    Because the LF process is of great importance to modify the constitution of steelmaking products , We center around increasing its refining efficiency and conduct study .

  22. 传统的单层BOM存储格式描述的产品结构,通常采用递归算法进行BOM展开,但是递归算法的效率受到产品树层数的限制。

    The traditional product structure described by the form of single-level-bom may normally be expanded with recursive algorithm whose efficiency is restricted by the levels of the product-structure-tree .

  23. 笔者通过对湖北省产业现状进行分析和结合加入WTO所带来的机遇,对湖北省如何提升产业结构提出了具体的构想,并着重从产品结构调整和产业整合两方面进行了详细的论述。

    Based on the analysis of the industrial situation in Hubei province and the opportunity of entering WTO , a concrete idea on how to upgrade the province industrial structure by focusing on product adjustment and industrial integration , is offered .

  24. 本文首先简介了PDM的主要功能如:电子仓库和文档管理、工作流与过程管理、产品结构与配置管理、变更管理等和PDM一般体系结构。

    At first , this thesis introduces PDM 's main functions , for example electronic warehouse and document management , workflow and process management , product structure and configuration management , change management and PDM framework .

  25. 第二部分(第4章)是RCA指标测算以及与亚洲其它经济体的出口产品结构对比;

    Part II ( chapter 4 ) calculates the Revealed Comparative Advantage ( RCA ) Indices for China , and compares export structure of China with other Asian economies .

  26. 指出了信息集成是成本估计的亟待解决的关键问题;设计了集成化成本估计的支持系统,该系统将CAD产品结构信息、CAPP中的工艺信息和MRPⅡ中的工作中心信息进行系统集成。

    A supporting system of integrated cost estimation was designed in this paper which conducted a systematic integration on the structural information of CAD product , on the technological information in CAPP and on the work centre information in MRP ⅱ .

  27. 它是建立在PDM基本框架之上,并且针对中小企业开发的集产品结构与配置管理、产品检验、库存管理、材料管理、合同管理和系统维护为一体的实用系统。

    On the discussion of the PDM basic-frame and based on small-and-medium-sized enterprise , establishes an integrated data management system , which covers product structure configuration , product examination , inventory management , materials management , contract management and system management .

  28. 将电子产品结构设计的一般要求和原则应用于TPMS产品结构设计,阐述TPMS产品结构设计的一般要领。

    This paper introduces the general methods of structure design of TPMS , according to applying the general demand and principle in structure design of electron product to structure design of TPMS .

  29. 根据氟碳铈矿稀土组成的特点和市场可预测的稀土产品结构,应用串级萃取理论优化设计氟碳铈矿P507HCl体系萃取分离流程。

    According to the composition of bastnasite and the constitution of products in the rare earth market , a new separation process for bastnasite by solvent extraction in P 507-HCl system was presented .

  30. 反应时间为7.5h,N2·9-二乙酰基鸟嘌呤的收率达到96%,用红外光谱,核磁共振,元素分析以及质谱对昕得产品结构进行了分析,证明所得产物即为目标产物。

    Reaction time is 7.5h , the yield was up to 96 % . From the structure analysis of IR , 1H-NMR , MS , the expected product is proved .