
chǎn dào
  • birth canal;parturient canal;obstetric canal
产道 [chǎn dào]
  • [birth canal] 由子宫颈、阴道组成的肌性通道,分娩时,胎儿经此道排出体外

产道[chǎn dào]
  1. 结果证明了UU感染传播以性接触为主.垂直传播包括子宫内传播和产道逆行传播模式。

    Results The main transmission route of UU infections was through sexual contact and the vertical transmission included two modes , which are intrauterine and retrograde transmission in birth canal .

  2. 一个简单的原因可能就是因为Boscups人的头部太大了,因此他们的婴儿很难顺利从产道分娩。

    And that may be simply because their heads were so big that babies ' heads had hard time feeding through the birth canal .

  3. 孕妇产道B群链球菌带菌状态及其母婴传播

    Vaginal Carrier of Group B Streptococcus in Pregnant Women and Maternal-infant Transmission

  4. 采用选择性增菌培养法,对孕妇产道B群链球菌带菌状态及其母婴传播进行调查研究。

    An investigation of vaginal carrier of group B streptococus in pregnant women and maternal-infant transmission was conducted .

  5. 产妇A组产道感染阳性率17.2%,B组阳性率73.1%,两者比较差异有极显著性(P<0.001)。

    The infection rate of the Group A and Group B mothers was 17.2 % and 73.1 % , respectively . The difference in infection was significant ( P < 0.001 ) .

  6. 结论:孕妇CMV感染可通过宫内和产道传播给胎儿,剖宫产不能防止新生儿咽部感染。

    Conclusions : CMV infection can be transmitted from pregnant women to their fetus . Pharyngeal infection in neonates can not be prevented by cesarean section .

  7. 用ISSR分子标记研究川产道地药用植物川芎的遗传多样性5.12汶川地震对岷江上游河道的影响以都江堰汶川河段为例

    ISSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity of the Traditional Chinese Medicinal Plant Ligusticum Chuanxiong Hort . ; River Channel Change of the Upper of Minjiang River by 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake : A Case Study of the Section of Dujiangyan-Wenchuan

  8. 健康奶牛产道内正常菌群的研究

    Study on the Normal Bacterial Microflora in Heathy Cows ' Vagina

  9. 产道血肿发生原因分析及护理对策

    Analysis and nursing strategy of the hematoma of the birth canal

  10. 产科特殊检查63例软产道损伤临床分析

    A Clinical Analysis of 63 Cases of Soft Obstetric Canal Damage

  11. 有一个标本甚至被保存在产道中。

    One specimen is even preserved in the birth canal .

  12. 产道隐蔽性血肿的超声诊断价值

    Ultrasonic Diagnosis Value of Concealed Hematoma of Birth Canal

  13. 产道深部血肿的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of hematoma of the deeper genital tract

  14. 宝宝不能进入产道

    Baby can 't move into the birth canal .

  15. 你在产道的时候有气流干扰吗?

    Did you have restricted airflow when you were in the birthing canal ?

  16. 产道血肿的预防与护理

    Prevention and Nursing on Hematoma of the Parturient Canal

  17. 而我从产道里被排出则不认为是重大成就之一。

    And being expelled from a birth canal was not considered one of them .

  18. 在产妇分娩的过程中,个子大的孩子通过产道的困难更大。

    During childbirth , larger babies have more difficulty passing through the birth canal .

  19. 结果:(1)产钳助产易导致产道血肿;

    Results : ( 1 ) Application of obstetric forceps might result in hematoma ;

  20. 抓好川产道地药材和优势特色药材基地建设。

    Perform well in developing bases for Sichuan-specific medicinal herbs and competitive medicinal materials .

  21. 她在产道里,头和耳朵都被裹住了。

    She was in the birth canal , and her head and ears were covered .

  22. 产道血肿的护理

    Nursing care on hematoma of parturient canal

  23. 微生态制剂&宫康素预防控制母猪产后产道炎症及提高母猪繁殖性能临床试验初报

    Experiment Report of Probiotic-Gong Kang Su Prevention and Control Sow Uteritis and Improvement of Reproductivity

  24. 产道出生,从胎粪污染的羊水里出来的新生儿,不需要吸痰

    Vigorous newborns who have been birthed through meconium-stained amniotic fluid do not need airway suctioning

  25. 胎儿是通过产道之后与母体分离的。

    A baby is separated with his mother after passing out of the birth canal .

  26. 如果产道情况良好的话,顺产应该没有问题。

    If the birth canal in good condition , the birth should not be a problem .

  27. 产妇自然分娩时软产道裂伤的危险因素分析

    An analysis of the risk factors on soft issue injury of the birth cannel in normal delivery

  28. 产程中扩宫术与软产道裂伤关系的探讨

    An Approach of the Relationship between Dilation of Uterus during the Parturition and the Injry of Birth Canal

  29. 本文对1981年4月~1982年4月阿尔及利亚麦斯卡拉省医院30例骨产道异常性难产病例进行了临床和X线分析;

    A clinical analysis of 30 cases of pelvic dystocia in Algeria from 1981 to 1982 is reported .

  30. 产次、加腹压、会阴保护不当均为软产道裂伤的危险因素;

    Para , increase of Intra-abdominal pressure and improper protection of perineum appeared as risk factors in our research .