
  • 网络Henry’s Law;Henry's law;Henry law
  1. 亨利定律描述了化合物在气液两相中的分配规律,在环境科学与工程领域中有着广泛的应用。

    Henry 's law describes the distribution / partition of a compound between air and water , which shows importance in the treatment of volatile compounds in environmental research and engineering .

  2. SF6年龄以亨利定律为基础计算。

    Calculating of age is based on Henry 's Law .

  3. 在这里常数是KB而不是,如果要用亨利定律。

    PA * So instead of pA star , we have KB here , where this is the Henry 's law constant .

  4. 亨利定律告诉我们的是关于溶质,而不是溶剂,在这里是溶质,so,the,CS2,here,is,the,solute,量很少。

    And Henry 's law tells you that for the solute now , not the solvent , CS2 very small amount of it .

  5. 意味着亨利定律常数,比纯CS2的蒸汽压大。

    Meaning that the Henry 's law constant is greater than the vapor pressure of the pure CS2 .

  6. 利用BWR状态方程结合亨利定律计算液相中的氢气浓度,避免了求解多元平衡问题,提高了计算速度。

    This method avoids the sophisticated calculation of multicomponent liquid vapor equilibrium which greatly improves the computing speed and the robustness of the model .

  7. 那意味着,如果我知道亨利定律常数,这里指对于CS2和丙酮的混合,它会有不同。

    And what that means is , if I know this Henry 's law constant , for CS2 mixed with acetone specifically , it would be different .

  8. 亨利定律在煤层气组分溶解分馏中的应用

    Application of Henry Law in solution fractionation of multi-composition coalbed gas

  9. 我们再看一下亨利定律。

    Instead , you have to look at Henry 's law .

  10. 它叫亨利定律常数。

    It 's called the Henry 's law constant .

  11. 从第一题可以得到这个亨利定律常数。

    We can get it from part a here .

  12. 而遵守亨利定律。

    It 's going to obey Henry 's law .

  13. 但是我们不知道这个亨利定律常数。

    We don 't know what the Henry 's law constant here is .

  14. 接近零的时候不成立,成立的是亨利定律。

    Close to molar fraction of zero . Instead , Henry 's law .

  15. 这就是亨利定律常数。

    Which is a Henry 's law constant .

  16. 亨利定律是关于气压。

    Henry 's law is the pressure .

  17. 在这种混合物中,亨利定律不再成立。

    What happens for this particular mixture is that Henry 's law is no longer valid .

  18. 人工神经网络法预测有机物物性的研究1.亨利定律常数和水中溶解度

    Predicting the Physical Properties of Organic Compounds ⅰ . Henry 's Law Constant and the Aqueous Solubility

  19. 当物质是很少量浓度的时候,我们可以用亨利定律。

    But something which in a very small concentration , then Henry 's law is going to apply .

  20. 亨利定律-溶解性气体在溶剂是成正比的压力气体上述溶剂。

    Henry 's Law-The solubility of a gas in a solvent is proportional to the pressure of the gas above the solvent .

  21. 而亨利定律常数告诉我们相互作用的焓,是有利,还是不利。

    And Henry 's law constant is going to tell you whether or not that enthalpy of interaction is favorable or not favorable .

  22. 化合物的性质深受温度的影响,亨利定律常数、蒸汽压和降解速率系数等都是温度的函数。

    The properties , especially vapor pressures , Henry Law 's Coefficients , transformation coefficients are profoundly affected by temperature , which are the function of temperature .

  23. 引入维里吸附方程,并由第二维里吸附系数和亨利定律确定了吸附氢分子在多壁碳纳米管上受到的壁面吸附势和极限吸附热。

    The interaction potential of hydrogen MWCNTs and the isosteric heat of hydrogen adsorption in low limit surface concentration were calculated by using gas surface virial coefficients and Henry law .

  24. 根据气体溶解定律(亨利定律):任何气体在水中的溶解度与该气体在气、水界面上的分压力成正比。

    According to the law ( Henrry Lay ) of gas dissolve : the solubility of any gas in water shall be direct ratio with partial pressure of the gas on interface of gas and water .

  25. 我们最后要得到沸点的改变,等于常数,不要和亨利定律的常数混淆。

    We 're going to find that the change in the boiling point Kb is going to be some constant K sub b , which is not to be confused with Henry 's law 's constant .

  26. 鉴于挥发性有毒化合物在多介质环境中的行为研究的重要性,本文对于亨利定律常数在真实自然环境中应用的最新研究做了评述。

    In view of the urgency of studying the behaviors of volatile toxic matters in natural multimedia system , the recent research progress for the Henry 's law constant of environmental pollutants is discussed in some detail .

  27. 采用半经验公式计算CH4(甲烷)和CO2(二氧化碳)的亨利常数,根据逸度因子公式求取CH4和CO2的逸度,根据亨利定律计算出不同埋深下CH4和CO2在地层水中的溶解度。

    Henry 's constants of methane and carbon dioxide can be calculated by the experience formula , and the fugacity can be calculated by fugacity gene formula , based on Henry Law , the soluble mole fractions of carbon dioxide and methane in groundwater with burial depth increasing were calculated .