- 名officials with posts in the capital
- capital officials
[capital officials] 中国古代一般称属于中央系统的官员为京官,以别于地方官及差遣出外之官。唐代的尚书、中书、门下三省长官以下,都称为京官
In Qing Dynasty Beijing officials'Tuanbai was a kind of group activity to celebrate the Spring Festival and to keep contact .
In addition to the official supervision system , other Beijing officers were asked to be responsible for supervising some local affairs too , although without little effectiveness .
In the bureaucracy system of the Qing Dynasty , Beijing officials as a significant number of bureaucratic groups , an official with the state of his post is a major topic .
This period has both summer and made to show to Beijing officials represented groups to pursue a copy of Su Shi , Song Ci ji and other family to each other remuneration in the form of singing off the cis Reciprocal Creation of high tide .