- 名Beijing white pear
- Beijing pear

[Beijing pear] 北京地区所产之白梨,皮薄,肉甜厚多汁,不脆
The transpiration rates decreased with the development of pear fruit .
Anatomical Study of Fruit Setting and Male and Female Gametophytes in Pyrus ussuriensis
Fruit water uptake via its pedicel showed a positive relation with fruit transpiration rates .
The studies on the developmental anatomy of the microsporangium and male gamete in Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd ;
Based on the climatic and topographic factors , An expert classifier is used to make an agroclimatic division on the Beijing pear .
Jin Bai pear stored by CA storage for 132 days could ripe normally and had a favorable smell as well as a longer shelf life .
When the water loss of pear fruit by transpiration was over 8 % , the fruit skin lost glossy , wrinkled and shrank and turned yellow .
Results showed that the pollen xenia had obvious effect on fruit setting rate , fruit weight , soluble solids content , titratable acidity and mature seeds . However , there was no obvious effect on fruit shape index and edible part of fruit .