
  • 网络Parent-child education;Parenting Education;parent education
  1. 亲子教育中对孩子生命原动力的认识(英文)

    Recognition of children s life motivity in parenting education ;

  2. 因此,在亲子教育中,亲师互动是亲师关系的动态表征,成为影响亲子教育质量的关键因素。

    Therefore , the Parent-Teacher interaction is the dynamic representation of the relationship between parents and teachers in parenting education . It will be the key factor of affecting the quality of parenting education .

  3. 谈0-3岁亲子教育中的父爱

    On Paternal Love in the Education of Parent Children Relationship of 0-3-year-olds

  4. 不要扼杀孩子生命的原动力&亲子教育(三)

    Never Strangle Children s Original Dynamic of Life & On Parent Offspring Education ;

  5. 斯特劳斯说,他们在挑选受访人群时,是考虑了各家庭的亲子教育,收入状况和其他因素都不相同这一先设条件的。

    That association held after taking into account parental education , income and other environmental factors , says Straus .

  6. 儿童的亲子教育缺失引发问题行为有其深刻的社会学和心理学原因。

    There are psychological and sociological reasons for the absence of parent-child education that lead to children 's problem behaviors .

  7. 走出家庭教育误区,改善亲子教育关系与家庭指导方式。

    Guiding themselves out of misleading of family education , improving their own children ′ s educational relationship and manners of family guidance .

  8. 无论当做床边故事或是角色扮演的题材,这本书都是亲子教育的最佳良伴。

    You may use it for bedside story reading or role-playing ; the book is the best companion for parents in educating their children .

  9. 希望本次研究对于亲子教育、自我效能教育,青少年心理健康教育提供一定的理论依据。

    I do hope that my research will provide practical methods to deal with the contradiction among parent-children relationship , self-efficiency education and mental education for teenagers .

  10. 此外,我们也分送启发性的物品如有关婚姻与亲子教育的书籍。

    During these visits we have been distributing Food , Clothes , books , as well as giving inspirational material such as Books on Marriage and Childcare .

  11. 因父母经常不在身边,绝大多数留守儿童家庭亲情团聚频率低,存在不同程度的亲子教育缺位现象。

    Because parents are not often around , the frequency of most unattended children have a reunion is low , and the children are lack of the family education .

  12. 本文作者希望本研究有助于促进亲子教育理论的纵深发展。

    The writer hope the research is to the benefit of the further development of parent-child relationship theory , and providing theory evidence for practice of education and psychological consultation .

  13. 依恋理论一直是发展心理学家和社会心理学家用来研究社会适应和亲密关系的理论及方法,研究结果已经应用于亲子教育、心理咨询与治疗等领域。

    Attachment theory has been used by the developmental psychologists to study social adaptation and intimate relationship , the results have been applied to the fields of parent-child education , psychological counseling and treatment , and other fields .

  14. 最后,笔者就面向青少年网瘾治疗的亲子教育游戏的设计原则进行了说明,并对关键元素进行了初步设计。

    Apparently , parents are the game playmates of children , but actually the therapists to guide their children from internet addiction . Finally , the principles of designing the parent-child educational game for treating the Youth IAD sufferers and the preliminary design of key elements have been accomplished .

  15. 部分家长实施亲子阅读教育活动的知识结构不够完整,缺乏语言学科、认知心理学、阅读心理学、教育学方面的知识。

    While implementing the parent-child reading activity , some parents ' knowledge structures are not complete , lacking knowledge in linguistics , cognitive psychology , reading psychology and pedagogics .

  16. 在幼儿的成长期,父母都会不自觉地进行各种形式的亲子阅读教育,但这一行为往往出于自发而一直缺乏系统的理论支持和研究。

    Parents use all kinds of forms of the accompanying reading during their children 's growing-up period . But the act is spontaneous and lack of systematic theory support and research .

  17. 随着图画书这一品种的推广,科学地使用以图画书为载体的亲子阅读教育显得更为重要,这也符合国内经济发展的现状和幼儿教育的需求。

    In pace with the popularization of picture books , the accompanying reading appears to be more important with a scientific use on picture books which is suitable to present situation of economic development and demand of children education .

  18. L上的关系(?)亲子关系的教育哲学分析

    The Study of Parent-child Relationship in the View of Philosophy of Education

  19. 结果负性教养行为、亲子气氛、教育困惑比正性教养行为对子女人格特征有更大的影响。

    Results Compared with positive parental rearing behaviors , negative parental rearing behaviors , parent-child atmosphere and parental rearing puzzlement had greater influence on child 's personality traits .

  20. 亲子关系过程与教育过程结合。

    Connecting the parent-child relationship with school education .

  21. 中小学生亲子关系现状及教育建议

    The status quo of the parenthood of primary and junior high school students and educational advices

  22. 教育专家认为:好的亲子关系胜过许多教育。

    Experts in education believe that good relations between parents and children will be much more useful than education .

  23. 研究表明社会活动、独立做事、亲子关系、心理教育、父母职业是影响儿童社会适应行为的主要因素。

    Research indicates that social activities , independence , parent-offspring relation , parents ' occupation are the major factors that influence children 's adaptive behavior .

  24. 通过分析西方亲子游戏疗法并借鉴教育游戏的作用价值,提出了基于亲子游戏疗法的青少年网瘾治疗策略&面向青少年网瘾治疗的亲子教育游戏。

    Based on the analysis of filial play therapy abroad and enlightenment from educational game , we propose the strategy of treating the Youth IAD sufferers which based on the filial play therapy & parent-child educational game for treating the Youth IAD sufferers .

  25. 亲子产品的出现是必然的,在亲子教育得到重视的情况下,家长们开始关注该怎么与孩子相处,该如何去享受愉快的亲子时间。

    The emergence of parent-child product is an inevitable product , importance in the parent-child education , the parents begin to pay attention to how to get along with their children , how to enjoy the pleasure of the parent-child time .

  26. 亲子关系研究新进展:自组织研究亲子关系的教育哲学分析

    Progress in the Self-Organizations of Parent-Child Relations The Study of Parent-child Relationship in the View of Philosophy of Education

  27. 该治疗理念要求遵循亲子游戏治疗的原理并综合考虑亲子关系对青少年网瘾的影响因子来设计亲子教育游戏的游戏单元和任务。

    At this therapy , when we design game units and the task of each unit , we should obey the principle of filial play theray and refer to the intrinsic factors of parent-child relationship affecting youth internet addiction .