
  • 网络Human sculpture;Body Sculpturing;Body Sculpture;The Shape of Things;Taxidermia
  1. 人体姿势构成雕塑作品的全体,其意义永恒不变,但舞姿只是构成舞蹈作品的元素,不具备独立的价值,其意义常处在变化之中。

    Posture occupies the total of sculpture with a permanent significance , but in dancing it is only an element without independent value and its meanings are constantly changing .

  2. 随着个性化、时尚化、内衣外穿因子的注入,针织毛衫的立体造型设计越来越强调服装是人体的软雕塑的理念。

    With the rapid development of individuality , fashion and underclothes outer-wearing , plastic shape design of knitting sweater increasingly emphasizes a concept , which clothes is flexible sculpture of body .

  3. 但现代生产中,如某些流线型物体、人体假肢、艺术雕塑品和汽车零件产品,其原始模型并非来自设计概念而是实物产品。

    In many situations , however , product is not come from designed conception but from some other entities , and it must be produced without any existing drawing , such as sculpture .

  4. 人体美是把人体作为审美对象进行美的关照,包含人体的形式美和精神美两方面内容,秦俑的人体美是秦俑的人体雕塑艺术的美学阐发。

    The physical beauty is taking the human body as an object of aesthetic beauty care it contains two aspects of formal beauty and spiritual beauty of the human body .