
rén ǒu
  • image;figure
  • dear;take pity on
人偶 [rén ǒu]
  • [dear;take pity on] 亲爱;怜惜

  1. 培根先生人偶。世界各地培根的试吃�

    Mr. Bacon action figure . A world of bacon sampler .

  2. 为了弄清楚到底会发生什么,我找来了一些物理书、一个诺兰?莱恩1人偶,以及一堆核爆试验的录像带。

    I sat down with some physics books , a Nolan Ryan action figure , and a bunch of videotapes of nuclear tests and tried to sort it all out .

  3. 他看上去像腹语术表演者用的人偶。

    He looked like a ventriloquist 's dummy .

  4. 他用白松木雕刻出那些人偶。

    He carves his figures from white pine

  5. 一次穿越动物园的轻松而难忘的夜间旅行,节日人偶和巨大的动物样式的灯笼会指引你,为你照亮前行的道路。

    A relaxed and unforgettable night time journey through the zoo with festive characters and giant animal lanterns to light your way .

  6. 华纳兄弟集团消费者产品部还将发布新款产品周边,包括独一无二的法贝热帝国彩蛋、灵感源自《权游》的美奇乐啤酒套装和几个FunkoPop铁制人偶。

    Warner Bros. Consumer Products will also be releasing a new line of tie-in products , including a one-of-a-kind Imperial egg by Faberg é , a collection of Mikkeller beers inspired by the series , and several iron-textured Funko Pop figures .

  7. 今年29岁的俞宸睿来自四川成都,是一名机关人偶装置艺术家。

    Yu , 29 , is a maker mechanical figures , in Chengdu , Sichuan province .

  8. 今年2月,原田和明推荐他参加世界木材日举办的机关人偶项目。

    In February , Kazuaki recommended him for the Automata Program during this year 's World Wood Day .

  9. 机关人偶是一种自我驱动的艺术机械人偶,常常被做成人或动物的样子,通过机关让他们“自己动起来”。

    Automata are built to look like humans or animals and give the illusion of being able to move on their own .

  10. 他的创作则吸引了这个领域的一些著名艺术家,例如来自机关人偶诞生地的英国艺术家保罗·斯普纳和日本机关人偶大师原田和明。

    In an age of technology , this is undoubtedly artists , such as Paul Spooner from the home of automata making in the United Kingdom and Kazuaki Harada from Japan .

  11. 《A3》女主角玩具人偶将在日本问世

    A3 heroine doll to be released in Japan

  12. 但是,自从2010年末,我发现拥有HT人偶有了极大难度。

    However , I found it enormously difficult to obtain many HT action figures since the end of2010 .

  13. 她的烹饪书成了畅销书,她还有一个烹饪app,以及人偶模型(奇怪的是,它不是用石头,而是用树脂做成的)。

    And she has a best-selling cookbook , a cooking app and action figure ( though , oddly , it 's made of vinyl , not stone ) .

  14. 球体关节人形(Ball-jointeddoll,简称BJD)泛指其关节处具有球型可活动装置的人偶。

    BJD ( Ball-jointed doll , referred to as BJD ) refers to the joint doll ball-type movable device .

  15. 你可以对人偶进行尽可能的攻击!

    You can pretty much go all out on the dummy !

  16. 你知道,也许你的人偶起作用了。

    You know , maybe all your Slinky stuff is working .

  17. 咏荷,你一定很喜欢人偶吧?

    Young-ha , you must like dolls a lot , huh ?

  18. 把人偶身后的雷射打开。

    So if you turn on the laser in his back .

  19. 希望可以尽快加入梅根的人偶。

    Here 's hoping Meghan is added to the mix ASAP .

  20. 海南“人偶戏”简论

    A Brief Talk on " Man - Puppet Play " of Hainan

  21. 日本人相信可以把自身的厄运转移到人偶上。

    Japanese people believed they could transfer their bad luck to dolls .

  22. 你得到这个精致的人偶多长时间了?

    How long have you had your precious doll here ?

  23. 以前的人偶是用纸做的。

    The dolls used to be made out of paper .

  24. 他们会打扫家里,并且丢掉旧人偶。

    They clean their houses and throw away old dolls .

  25. 很好他们是人达蒙她不是人偶

    Great.They are people , Damon . She 's not a puppet .

  26. 在这楼我做了这个特别的日本江户女孩人偶来带出感觉来。

    And I created one special Japanese girl minifig in this floor .

  27. 如今人们会在节日后小心翼翼地把人偶收好。

    People now store the dolls carefully after the festival .

  28. 也许是那个人偶忘不了他?

    Perhaps the doll couldn 't forget about him * ?

  29. 翻转过来,小人偶的泳衣就掉下来。

    When I tilt it , her bathing suit falls right off .

  30. 姐姐,你有那个人偶多长时间了?

    Sis , how long have you had that doll ?