
rén kǒu wěi yuán huì
  • Population Commission;Committee on Population
  1. 人口委员会信息、评价和宣传

    Information , Evaluation and Communication of Population Commission

  2. 制定流动人口法,成立流动人口委员会负责流动人口的管理和服务工作;

    It is essential to make one floating population law and to form a floating population commission to manage and serve them .

  3. 罗马尼亚国家人口委员会

    Romanian National Demographic Commission

  4. 人口委员会的报告说,全世界的妇女,无论在家里还是在工作岗位上,都往往比男性工作的时间长。

    The Population Council report says women around the world tend to work longer hours than men , both at home and on the job .

  5. 政策执行机构将从计划生育委员会改革为人口政策委员会;

    The administrative organization from family planning committee to population policy committee ;

  6. 联合国发展与人口咨询委员会

    United Nations Advisory Board of Development and Population

  7. 联合国人口奖委员会

    Committee for the United Nations Population Award

  8. 规划人员、统计人员和人口学家委员会延边朝鲜族人口多胎生育行为及人口学后果

    Committee of Planners , Statisticians and Demographers The Additional Births v.s Population of Yanbian Korean Ethnic Group

  9. 政府在人口老化委员会的建议下,修改《公积金法》,放宽投资限制。

    The government , on the recommendation of the Ageing Population Committee , has amended the Central Provident Fund Act to relax investment restrictions .

  10. 从国家人口计划委员会来的消息,报道称:针对女性的犯罪在有些性别比率不平衡极高的地方正在上升。

    Crimes targeting women are on the rise in some places where the imbalance is at its greatest , the report said , quoting sources with the National Population and Family Planning Commission .

  11. 人口资源环境委员会

    " Committee of Population , Resources and Environment "

  12. 国际人口方案管理委员会

    International Committee on the Management of Population Programmes

  13. 国家人口和家庭委员会国家人口和计划生育委员会

    State Population and Family Planning Commission

  14. 中国人口与计划委员会还将举办“世界家庭峰会”。

    A world summit on the family , sponsored by China 's National Population and Family Planning Commission , will be held .

  15. 来自中国国家人口计划生育委员会江帆说到,环境污染是缺陷婴儿出生数增加根源。

    Jiang Fan , from China 's National Population and Family Planning Commission , said environmental pollution was a cause of the increase .

  16. 按照政策,双方都为独生子女的夫妻能生育第二个子女。上海市人口计生委员会和志愿者们会上门拜访、发送传单鼓励他们生育二胎。

    Family planning officials and volunteers will make home visits and slip leaflets under doorways to encourage couples to have a second child if both grew up as only children .

  17. 据中国国家人口和计划生育委员会(npfpc,国家人口计生委)的一位高级官员称,中国正在考虑逐渐放宽对夫妻生育孩子数量的限制。

    China is considering a gradual raising of its limits on the number of children a couple can have , according to a senior official of the national population and Family Planning Commission .

  18. 备选人口形态经济后果委员会

    Committee on Economic Consequences of Alternative Demographic Patterns

  19. 国际人口和法律咨询委员会

    International Advisory Committee on Population and Law

  20. 人口和社会发展委员会

    Committee on Population and Social Development

  21. 长春市人口和计划生育委员会三关爱理论与实践研讨会纪实

    On-the-spot Report of " Three Caring About " Symposium of the Population and Family Planning Committee in Changchun city

  22. 方法利用国家人口与计划生育委员会2001年全国计划生育/生殖健康调查的资料,对城乡未婚女青年生殖健康现状进行统计分析。

    Methods : The data of the survey on family planning / RH in China in 2001 were analyzed with SPSS .

  23. 在国家人口和计划生育委员会开展整治之前,许多关于计划生育的荒谬口号曾是网络讽刺作家的笑柄。

    Before the cleanup campaign of the commission , some ridiculous population control slogans have long been laughing stocks of online satirists .

  24. 国家人口和计划生育委员会的报告刚刚公布超过50%的农民工有固定期限合同。

    The National Population and Family Planning Commission 's report also says just over 50 percent of migrant workers have fixed-term contracts .

  25. 在中国东部举行的会议上发表讲话时,中国人口与计划生育委员会主任李斌表示,中国面临巨大的挑战。

    Addressing a conference in eastern China , the head of the Population Planning Commission Li Bin said the country faced major changes .

  26. 新公布的失业人口率比过去委员会所登记的失业率要高1个百分点。

    The newly released rate is about one percentage point higher than the " registered unemployment rate " the commission has published in the past .

  27. 方法利用国家人口和计划生育委员会2001年全国计划生育/生殖健康调查的原始数据,对城乡哺乳期妇女避孕方法的使用现状进行描述性统计分析。

    Methods Using 2001 national family planning / reproductive health survey data were used , to analyze the contraceptive use by the women during breastfeeding period .

  28. 据全国人口和计划生育委员会统计,截止到2020年,中国处于该年龄段的男性数量会比女性多出3000万人。

    According to the National Population and Family Planning Commission , there will be 30 million more men in that age category than women in China in 2020 .

  29. 本月早些时候,上海人口与计划生育委员会举办了一个教育宣传活动,呼吁家长和学校管理者们与青少年谈论性问题。

    Earlier this month , the Shanghai Population and Family Planning Committee held an education campaign , calling on parents and school administrators to speak with youngsters about sex .

  30. 《环球时报》援引国家人口和计划生育委员会数据称,在男性过剩地区,诱拐、贩卖女性现象十分猖獗。

    The Global Times said abductions and trafficking of women were " rampant " in areas with excess numbers of men , citing the National Population and Family Planning Commission .