
  • 网络Population sampling survey;sample survey of population
  1. 人口抽样调查中用普查数据的比估计及其均方误差估计

    The Ratio Estimates and MSE Estimates in Population Sampling by Using Census Data

  2. 上海市人口抽样调查方法的研究和指标的估计

    Research on Sampling Method and Estimation of the Indexes for the Population of Shanghai

  3. 本文的结果可以直接应用于大规模的人口抽样调查,社会经济抽样调查等。

    The results in this paper can be directly used in human population or socio-economic surveys .

  4. 本文使用2005年全国1%人口抽样调查中重庆市的抽样调查数据库,这是国内第一次对有关大样本迁移和收入的调查数据研究。

    This paper uses the sample investigation database of 1 % Sample Survey of Population in Chongqing .

  5. 随后依据2005年全国1%人口抽样调查数据对西北地区省际人口流动的经济福利效应进行实证分析。

    Then the article empirically analyzes the economic welfare effects of the northwest Inter-provincial flow based on2005National1 % Population Sample Survey data .

  6. 根据1995年全国1%人口抽样调查的北京市人口分年龄、性别资料和出生、死亡等数据预测到,未来50年内,人口老龄化将以更快的速度发展。

    According to China 1 % population sample survey in 1995 , the aging will grow fast in the next 50 years .

  7. 本文根据北京市1995年1%人口抽样调查原始数据,对北京市家庭户规模进行了不同婚姻状况人口的分解分析。

    Using data from Beijing 1995 one percent population sampling survey , this paper prepares a decomposition analysis of household size by marital status .

  8. 上海市统计局开展的一项人口抽样调查显示,上海未婚人口数量正在迅速上升,尤其是未婚女性数量。

    The population sampling survey , conducted by Shanghai Municipal Statistics Bureau , reveals a rapid rise in the size of the unmarried population , especially women .

  9. 根据2005年1%人口抽样调查结果显示,贵阳市开始步入人口老龄化社会,同时人口老龄化速度正在逐渐加快。

    According to1 % of population survey sampling data of Guiyang city in2005 , the aging of population in Guiyang city has been emerged , and the rate of population aging is accelerated .

  10. 据国家统计局2009年千分之一人口抽样调查统计,我国15-50周岁文盲人口有6800多万,15岁及以上文盲人口有1.0504亿人。

    According to the National Bureau of Statistics 2009 , one-thousandth of the population sample survey , 15-50 year old population occupied more than 68 million illiterates , and above 15 aged illiterate populations occupied 105.04 million .

  11. 本文利用2004年全国人口变动抽样调查数据对中国老年人的生活自理能力进行了分析,又与1994年老年人生活自理能力进行了对比。

    This paper examines ability of daily life ( ADL ) of the Chinese elderly using data from the 2004 Annual Population Survey .

  12. [方法]根据1990~1992年我国1/10人口死因抽样调查中膀胱癌的资料进行分析。

    [ Methods ] The data of bladder cancer mortality collected from one tenth of population death survey by sampling in 1990 ~ 1992 in China were analysed .

  13. 人口变动情况抽样调查的抽样误差分析

    Analysis on Sampling Errors of Population Change Survey

  14. 根据2000年“中国城乡老年人口状况一次性抽样调查”所得的有关数据,剖析了我国农村老年人在物质、精神和文化三大方面的基本现状。

    Based on the 2000 's sample data , the paper analyzes old people 's current living situation in China from the aspects of material , spirit and culture .

  15. 文章利用2000年人口普查和中国城乡老年人口状况一次性抽样调查资料,对中国老年人口数量、生活状况和贫困发生率进行分析。

    This paper depicts the status of living of Chinese elderly and estimates the poverty rate of this group of population , by using data from 2000 Census and 2000 China Urban and Rural Elderly Survey .

  16. 通过对陇东老区农村打工流动人口家庭的抽样调查,将农村流动打工人口家庭归纳为空巢型、候鸟型、留守型及主辅型四种。

    According to a sample survey in old revolutionary base areas east Gansu Province , the migrating rural workers ' families can be classified into the 4 types : the one of empty-nest , of migratory-bird , of staying-behind and of host-auxiliary .

  17. 利用2003年5月出版的《中国城乡老年人口状况一次性抽样调查数据分析》中的数据,分析了我国老年人收入的城乡差异状况。

    Based on the data from " Data Analysis of One-off Sample Survey on the State of Senior Citizens in Town and Country in China " issued in May of 2003 , this paper studies the difference between senior citizens in town and those in country in China .

  18. 沈阳市城市人口咳嗽喘息症状抽样调查结果分析

    Random Sampling Investigation of Cough and Wheeze in City Population of Shenyang

  19. 人口计划考核的抽样调查方法设计:抽样调查。

    Studies on mathematical models of population growth in China design : sample survey .

  20. 广州市流动人口儿童保健现况抽样调查分析

    Investigation and analysis with random sampling on health care of floating children in Guangzhou city

  21. 目的通过对中国肝癌死亡流行分布特点分析,探讨肝癌对中国居民健康的危害。方法对1990~1992年全国1/10人口恶性肿瘤死亡抽样调查资料中肝癌死亡情况进行分析。

    Objective To study the geographical distribution and mortality of primary liver cancer ( PLC ) in China from 1990 through 1992.Methods A death survey among one tenth of Chinese population was conducted in 1990 1992 and the data on PLC mortality were analyzed .

  22. 中国流动人口状况&基于2005年全国1%人口抽样调查数据的分析

    On China 's Floating Population : Based On the Analysis of 1 % National Population Sample Survey 2005

  23. 农村打工人口家庭问题&陇东老区农村流动人口家庭的抽样调查

    Family Problems of Migrating Rural Workers & A Sample Survey on Migrating Rural Workers ' Families in Old Revolutionary Base Areas East Gansu Province

  24. 文章利用2000年人口普查数据中的流动人口数据和2003年上海市第七次流动人口抽样调查数据,通过队列分析研究外来人口进入城市后居留行为的特点和动态模式,并构造外来人口居留生命表。

    By using the Shanghai 2000 Census data and 2003 Survey data , the author studies floating populations long-term residence pattern after they migrated to the city .