
rén kǒu lùn
  • population theory
  1. 1957年,马寅初先生提出“新人口论”,次年开始,他的经济观点和人口理论受到批判。

    In1957 , Ma Yinchu put forward " New Population Theory " which was criticized next year .

  2. 空想社会主义人口论

    Utopian socialistic population theory

  3. 古典经济学派人口论

    Classical economic population theory

  4. 而新人口论所谓人口与经济增长比例失调的解释确有可取之处。

    Three 's some valuable point in the explanation on the imbalance of population and economic , in the New Theory of Population .

  5. 未来中国的计划生育应该发生如下转变:(1)计划生育政策的理论依据将从适度人口论向可持续发展理论转变;

    China 's family planning needs the following adjustments : its theoretical basis need to be shifted from optimum population theory to sustainable developing theory ;

  6. 这相当于人口过渡论的第一阶段。

    The situation is analogous to Stage I of the demographic transition theory .

  7. 近代福州城市人口考论

    Analysis on the Population Development Fuzhou in Modern Times

  8. 城市化进程监控:从人口规模论到可持续人居环境度

    Urbanization monitoring : from population scale to the sustainable development of human settlements

  9. 本文首先对美国经济学家乔治·亨利等人的人口乐观论进行了分析和研究;

    At first , this article analyses George Henry 's optimism theory on population ;

  10. 《人口革命论》序言

    A Preface to On Population Revolution

  11. 作者对《人口革命论》中关于人口问题研究的价值、作用进行评析,给予肯定。

    This paper makes some comments on the researches into population-related problems made by On Population Revolution .

  12. 然而这一历史事实不但没有得到肯定,反而衍生出中国人口威胁论。

    However , this historical fact has led to the theory of " threat from Chinese population growth " .

  13. 文章以人口转变论为解释工具,回答和评析了人口现代化的推进模式问题。

    The thesis makes use of demographic transition theory to answer and analyze the question of demographic transition mode .

  14. 相关理论主要是经典的人口转变论和进来越来越受到重视的低生育率陷阱理论。

    Related theories are mainly classical demographic transition theory and in more and more attention to the " low fertility trap " theory .

  15. 人与自然关系的恶化迫切需要把狭义相对人口过剩论发展成广义相对人口过剩论。

    With the depravation between man and nature , it requires that relative overpopulation in its narrow sense should be developed into that in the broad sense .

  16. 本文把经济系统作为一类生灭过程来考虑.应用人口控制论和森林系统的成功经验,研究经济系统的临界值问题。

    The paper regards economic system as a kind of growth process , and makes use of successful lessons of population control theory and the growth system of forest which is rising , to study the critical value problems in economic system .

  17. 从区位论、结构论、人口迁移论、非均衡增长论到生态学派论,从梯度推移、增长极与地域生产综合论到产业集群论的演进,体现了城市化发展理论的深化。

    The shifts from region concept , structure concept , population migration concept , unbalance increase concept to ecology concept and the evolution from synthetic concept of gradient development , increasing pole and region production to industrial concentration concept represent the further theory of development of urbanization .

  18. 我国农村流动人口犯罪控制论

    On the Control of Crimes Committed by the Floating Population in Our Country

  19. 流动人口犯罪控制论

    On the Control of Crimes Committed by Moving Population

  20. 中国仍应严格控制人口增长&论人口增长与经济增长的关系

    China must keep on controlling population growth

  21. 西北大城市少数民族流动人口若干特点论析&以甘肃省兰州市为例

    An Analysis of the Characteristics of Ethnic Floating Population in Big Cities of Northwestern China : An Example of Lanzhou City

  22. 20世纪20年代末绥远灾荒中的人口问题述论

    A Study on the Chinese Economic Thought of Cooperation in 1920s ON THE POPULATION PROBLEM IN THE FAMINE OF SUI YUAN AREA IN 1920S

  23. 甚至在英国达尔文出生的地方,那儿非宗教人士不断增长,人们普遍接受良好的教育,最近的一次调查却显示只有不到一半的人口相信进化论。

    Even in the UK , the birthplace of Darwin with an educated and increasingly secular population , one recent poll suggests less than half the population accepts evolution .

  24. 人口与货币需求论

    Population and Currency Demand

  25. 对李约瑟之谜的已有解释分为工商业畸型论、政经制度缺陷论、文化约束论、人口土地比率决定论、不可逆演化论等五大类。

    There are five kinds of explanations to the Needham puzzle : distortional industry and commerce , defects in political and economic institutions , cultural constraint , determination of the rate of population to land , and irreversible evolution .

  26. 注重人口质量是马寅初人口思想对马尔萨斯人口论的实质性超越。

    Emphasizing on the quality of population , Ma Yin chu 's thought of population essentially surpasses the Malthusian population theory .

  27. 人口现代化的生成背景和推进模式&基于人口转变论的阐释

    Development Mode and Development Background of Population Modernization

  28. 本文对自马尔萨斯人口理论建立以来的有代表性的人口经济理论进行了回顾,这些理论主要包括:马尔萨斯人口论与悲观主义人口经济理论;长期停滞论和乐观主义人口经济理论;

    This paper has reviewed the typical theories of population economics since Malthus .

  29. 传统意义上的相对人口过剩是指人口相对于生活资料或(和)生产资料的过剩,这种理论可以概括称之为狭义相对人口过剩论。

    Relative Overpopulation in Broad Sense Traditionally , relative overpopulation refers to population surplus compared with the means of subsistence and production , which can be labeled as relative overpopulation in a narrow sense .

  30. 从人口现代化有关的概念入手,对诸如人、人口、人的现代化等基本概念进行辨析,论述了国外关于人口与发展的主要理论&适度人口论和人口转变论。

    Proceed with people 's modernization relevant concepts , some basic conception such as the modernization , population , people are differentiated and analyzed correctly , Have expounded the abroad theories about the main theory of the population and development - appropriate population theory and population change theory .