
  • 网络population process
  1. 非定常人口发展过程的积分-偏微分方程组的H~(3/2)(Q)-解

    H ~ ( 3 / 2 )( q ) - solution of system of integro-differential equations for nonstationary population evolution process

  2. 2l世纪,伴随人口转变过程的不断深化,中国人口转变问题将趋于多元化和复杂化,这既为中国人口发展提出挑战,也必将进一步丰富中国人口转变理论与实践。

    In the 21st century , with the deepening course of population transformation , the population transformation getting more pluralist and complicated will be a great challenge of population development in China and will enrich the theory and practice of population transformation in China .

  3. 人口流动过程中的越轨性行为分析

    A analysis on deviant sex in the process of population floating

  4. 人口发展过程环溯式公式及某些性质

    The circular back traced formulae of population development process and some characters

  5. 内蒙古人口发展过程的分析及预测

    Analysis and forecast on the development process of population of Inner Mongolia

  6. 人口发展过程离散形式数学模型的讨论

    Discussion on the discrete mathematical models of population evolution processes

  7. 浅析我国的人口发展过程

    Analyse Plainly the Development Process Of Population in Our Country

  8. 人口生命过程的函数解析式,两类死亡模型的统一

    Resolution Function of Vital Process and the Integration of Two Mortality Patterns

  9. 中国城市人口增长过程及差异研究

    Process and Inequality of Urban Population Increase in China

  10. 人口发展过程的最速控制问题

    On time optimal control problem of population evolution process

  11. 人口发展过程的场论形式和分析

    An analysis of population development process by field theory

  12. 美国有一个大问题,那就是正在发生的人口更替过程。

    America has a big problem , a population replacement process in progress .

  13. 婚姻拥挤问题是中国人口转变过程中面临的热点问题之一。

    Marriage squeeze becomes one of the hot issues in population transition of China .

  14. 分析了推力&拉力理论在分析人口迁移过程中的作用。

    At last , the push and pull theory is introduced in this part .

  15. 在中国,计划生育政策“加速了这种人口过渡过程”。

    In China family planning policies had " accelerated the process of demographic transition " .

  16. 二战后,随着社会经济的快速发展,日本很快完成了人口转变过程。

    The rapid post-war social and economic development enabled Japan to quickly complete the demographic transition .

  17. 这次的修正主要得益于世界30个艾滋病蔓延国家全国人口统计过程的改善。

    The latest revision comes from the addition of improved national population estimates in30 countries with widespread AIDS .

  18. 对中国人口转变过程和目前所处阶段还有不同观点。

    There are also different points of views on the course and current status of population transformation in China .

  19. 当然,现在我已经亲历了许多组织,帮助贫困人口的过程,也看到了他们的工作。

    Of course now I have visited projects and groups helping the poor and seen what they were doing .

  20. 在特定背景下,世界人口现代化过程表现为三种基本的推进模式:①人口现代化的自发型内生模式。主要是针对欧洲尤其是西欧发达国家或地区而言的一种经济动因模式;

    On given conditions , there are three basic mode in the process of population modernization : ① the spontaneous development mode ;

  21. 本文就控制具有下确界约束的人口发展过程能控性进行了探讨。

    In this paper we study the controllability of the population evolution process with lower bound and establish the correspondent population state space .

  22. 一次人口转变过程的完成不仅是出生率与死亡率由高向低的下降过程,同时也是人口年龄结构由低向高的抬升,即老化过程。

    The completing of demographic transition presents not only the declining of fertility and mortality , but also the increasing of population age structure .

  23. 分析认为:中国城市人口增长过程具有持续性和波动性的总体特征;

    The conclusion of this paper is that , first , the process of urban population increase in China has the characters of durative and undulation ;

  24. 世界上一切事物都处在发展和变化之中,作为影响和指导人口再生产过程的生育政策也是如此。

    Object has been always developing and changing in the word , so as the fertility policy which influence and guide the course of the population reproduction .

  25. 生育文明是指人口再生产过程中形成的积极成果和进步状态,生育文明是社会文明的重要组成部分。

    Birth civilization refers to a positive achievement and progressive condition formed in the process of reproduction and it is one of important parts of social civilization .

  26. 但是单靠行政制约手段已难以适应新形势的需要,计划生育政策必须适应影响人口变动过程中各种因素的变化而不断调整完善。

    However , administrative-only approach can hardly meet the needs nowadays . Birth control policy must adjust or perfect itself in adapting to changing factors related to population change .

  27. 再次,人口生产过程与现代化进程的错位,形成了庞大的剩余劳动力,成为农民身份转化的巨大障碍。

    Finally , the dislocation between the process of birth and that of modernization leads to massive number of surplus labor , which is also a large impediment to transformation of farmers'status .

  28. 研究结果显示,教育在我国人口迁移过程中确实发挥了显著的作用,平均受教育年限对人口的迁出与迁入均呈现正相关关系;

    The results are shown as follows : firstly , education has played an important role in the migration process and average education year is positively related to population outflow and inflow ;

  29. 在处理被征服人口的过程中,拓跋族的管理方式沿着部落制营户制官府专管制这样一条道路发展,而中央集权在这一过程中不断得到加强。

    In treating the conquered people , the management of tuo-ba tribe developed from tribe system to military camp system and to feudal official za-hu , in the course of which the central state power is constantly strengthened .

  30. 通过实证分析,揭示出消费率在人口转变过程中下降的必然性和中国保持适度人口增长的必要。

    The empirical study points out that the inevitability of China 's final consumption ratio diminishing in the process of demographic transition , and the essentiality of maintaining optimum population growth instead of zero or negative growth rate .