
  1. 正是教育,使人和文化进行着充分的互动从而使人真正实现了社会化和文化化。

    It goes without saying that education makes interaction between man and culture so that it makes man realize socialization and civilization really .

  2. 细读《纽约客》可以发现,白先勇在《纽约客》中为我们书写了人和文化的命运选择的三种模式:抗争、妥协、遗忘与麻木。

    We will find three modes in " Guest in New York " which is " Resist "," Compromise " and " Forget and Numb " to destiny selection of people and culture .

  3. 组织变革首要任务就是人和文化的变革,企业文化的成功变革就成为企业变革成功的关键因素。

    The primary task of the organizational reform is the reform of the people and culture . The successful reform of corporate culture has become the key factors for the success of enterprise reforms .

  4. 论高职院校人和校园文化环境的建构

    On the Construction of " Human Harmony " Campus Culture Environment in Higher Vocational College

  5. 这些名字说明土著人和土著文化依然存在。

    The latter name celebrates the fact that the Aboriginal peoples and culture have not been wiped out .

  6. 茶已经不单单是一种饮品,它是中国人和中国文化的象征。

    Tea has become more than a mere drink . Rather , it is a symbol of the Chinese people and culture .

  7. 最优秀的年轻企业家应对其他人和其他文化真正感兴趣,总是渴望坐下来与他人共餐。

    And the best young entrepreneurs are genuinely interested in other people and cultures , always eager to sit down and share a meal with others .

  8. 我认为这才是最重要的事情。如果你能够放开心胸,认同其他人和其他文化,你在社会上就能更有发展。

    And I think that 's the most important thing , is if you can relate to other people , other cultures and just be open , you get much further in society , yeah .

  9. 路的南段密布老店名号、人故居和文化宗教建筑,因此整治工程将恢复其传统风貌和文化特色。

    The southern section will have its traditional and cultural features restored , as it is densely dotted with time-honored shops and firms , old residences of renowned figures , and cultural and religious buildings .

  10. 作为增进国与国之间联系的重要纽带,对外汉语教学让更多的国际友人了解了中国、了解了中国人和中国文化,在我国的现代化建设中起到了积极的作用。

    As a bound to enhance the relationship between countries , TCFL makes more and more people know China , know the Chinese people and the Chinese and Chinese culture . And it play a positive role in modernization pangram .

  11. 卡梅隆说:“我打算拍一部3D电影,以反应这些土著人的生活和文化”。

    " I want to take a3D camera to film how they live , their culture ," said Cameron .

  12. 去年12月,他在香港参加“亚洲最具影响力设计大奖”(DesignforAsiaAwards)颁奖礼时说,诚品书店是一种文化现象,它的真谛在于人、地域和文化。

    Eslite is a cultural phenomenon , ' he said in Hong Kong at the Design for Asia Awards last December . ' It 's all about the people , the place , the culture . '

  13. 去年12月,他在香港参加亚洲最具影响力设计大奖(DesignforAsiaAwards)颁奖礼时说,诚品书店是一种文化现象,它的真谛在于人、地域和文化。

    ' Eslite is a cultural phenomenon , ' he said in Hong Kong at the Design for Asia Awards last December . ' It 's all about the people , the place , the culture . '

  14. 如果我真拍了,我会觉得我背叛了我自己的人和我的文化。

    I feel I would be cheating my people and my culture .

  15. 威尔逊教授现在认为人的本能和文化正在互相融合。

    Professor Wilson now sees instinct and culture as shading into one another .

  16. 阿纳亚在小说创作中使用神话和民间传说,为读者生动地展现了奇卡诺人的历史和文化。

    Using myth and folk legend , Anaya vividly reveals Chicano history and culture .

  17. 但是,很少有人从认知和文化方面去解读幽默。

    However ,? few people have ever interpreted humor from the cognitive and cultural perspective .

  18. 结果,从2010年起,将有数以百万计的人在经济和文化层面加入中产阶层。

    Consequently , from 2010 , millions will join the middle class financially and culturally .

  19. 第安人和他们的文化依然活着,依然兴旺,这些语言依然在我们的日常生活中使用。”

    e and vibrant and that the languages are used in our everyday lives . "

  20. 最后,罗马人也未影响普通不列颠人的语言和文化。

    Third , the Romans had no impact on the language or culture of ordinary Britons .

  21. 当然,融入当地人的生活和文化,都丰富了这旅程的精彩。

    Blend in with the local life style and culture will also further enhance the whole journey .

  22. 这也在某种程度上反映出中国人和西方人饮食文化的不同。

    It also somewhat reflects the difference between Chinese and Westerners in terms of overall diet culture .

  23. 由于对宇宙感知的角度不同,东方人和西方人在文化思维模式和语言表达方式方面存在着差异。

    Easterners and westerners , because of their different perceptions of the universe , differ in cultural thought patterns and the use of languages .

  24. 然而,就是这样一座现代而又富有的城市,仍旧固执地保持着一百多年前放牛人的传统和文化,的确是耐人寻味。

    However , it 's definitely intriguing that this modern and wealthy city still holds its grazing tradition and culture coming down over one hundred years ago .

  25. 然而,很少有人从社会和文化方面关注身体的含义,尤其是关注身体本身。

    However few people pay attention to the meaning of the body from the social and cultural aspects , especially from the angle of the body self .

  26. 他是好莱坞海地联合会的创始人,好莱坞联合会是一个非营利组织,它最初的宗旨是为这个岛上贫穷的年轻人提供体育和文化的教育。

    He is the founder of Hollywood Unites for Haiti , a nonprofit organization whose original mission was to provide sports and cultural education to underprivileged youth on the island .

  27. 与乐队全体同仁一起外出活动大大丰富了我对中国人日常生活和文化的了解,我也很高兴能够尽我所能回报他们平日对我的关照。

    Hanging out with the band members has given me great insight into day-to-day Chinese life and culture and I was happy to return the favor , as best I could .

  28. 比较而言,较为正确的作法应该是提倡广告的吸引力、诱惑力和表达方式的大众化,即尊重普通人的审美和文化水平。

    It would be more accurate to argue in favor of an advertisement that is attractive , seductive , and expressed in terms that respect the average level of taste and culture .

  29. 挪威1992年颁布的《萨米语言法》,是北欧诸国中第一部旨在保护和发展萨米人语言权利和文化权利的国家级行政法令。

    The Sami Language Act promulgated in 1992 in Norway is the first national and administrative law , which is aimed at preservation and development of linguistic and cultural rights of the Sami .

  30. 以合肥为例,从提炼城市品格和城市精神入手,认为打造城市的理想形态,城市应朝着生态化方向、人本方向和文化精致方向发展。

    Take Hefei city as an example , from refining the city character and spirits , this paper proposes that to create the ideal appearance of a city , it should direct its development towards ecological-orientation , human-orientation and cultural elegance .