
rén wén dì lǐ
  • human geography;cultural geography
  1. 在众多影响因素中,人文地理因素是一个基础条件。

    Cultural geography served as a fundamental amongst all the factors .

  2. 人文地理是科学,它有它的办法和路子。

    Cultural geography is a branch of science , with its own means and methods .

  3. 地理学纪事,B辑:人文地理。

    Geografiska Annaler , Series B : Human Geography .

  4. GIS技术在人文地理课程群教学改革中的应用初探

    The Preliminary Exploration of GIS Technology Applied in Human Geography Course Group Teaching Reform

  5. 并结合教材内容与知识点,从自然和人文地理两方面探讨GoogleEarth应用于地理课堂中的具体实例,以突出GoogleEarth软件辅助教学较传统教学手段的优势。

    To highlight the advantages of teaching assisted by Google Earth software , the paper dissected specific examples in Google Earth used in geography lessons from both natural and human geography combined with the teaching materials and knowledge .

  6. 但不只是风景,令Yamashita着迷也有人文地理。

    More than landscapes , though , it 's the human geography that fascinates Yamashita .

  7. 本文借助人文地理学家戴维·哈维(DavidHarvey)时空压缩概念并加以适当转换,提出了时空挤压理论,用以描述中国近现代法律演进的历史时空环境。

    This article , by using humane geography scholar David Harvey 's concept of time and space press and make a change of it to raise the corresponding theory to describe the historical environment of evolution of Chinese Law .

  8. 论司马迁的西部人文地理思想

    On Sima-Qian 's Thought on the Human Geography of West China

  9. 新疆民族传统体育的人文地理特征研究

    Research on Regional Characteristics of National Traditional Sports Culture in Xinjiang

  10. 长江三峡人文地理研究的回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect about Geography Researches of Yangtze Three Gorges Area

  11. 媒介地理学不仅强调人文地理环境对媒介的形塑作用,更重视地理样本在媒介中的呈现。

    Media geography pay more attention to the presentation of landscape .

  12. 高中人文地理教学中的案例教学研究

    The Teaching Research of Human Geography Teaching Case in High School

  13. 面向21世纪的师专人文地理课程体系探索

    Investigation on the course system of Humane Geography in Teachers ' College

  14. 人文地理教学改革与创新教育

    Teaching Reform in the Social Geography and the Creative Education

  15. 高中地理新课改背景下的高师人文地理教学改革

    Human Geography Teaching Reform of Normal Universities in New Curriculum

  16. 他是一位真正的人文地理摄影师。

    He is truly a great and real anthropogeographic photographer .

  17. 研究性学习在人文地理类课程教学中的应用初探

    Exploration of the Research-based Learning Theory Applied in Human Geography Course Teaching

  18. 加强人文地理研究成果的可操作性;

    Third , we shall enhance the productions ' maneuverability ;

  19. 21世纪人文地理科学的发展趋势分析及预测研究

    The development trend analysis and Forecast Study of human geography in 21st century

  20. 自然人文地理与中华法律传统之特征

    Trait of Natural Human Geography and Chinese Legal Tradition

  21. 《人文地理》1986-2004年刊载论文统计分析

    Statistical analysis of the articles published on human geography from 1986 to 2004

  22. 对构建面向21世纪的三年制高师专科地理专业人文地理课程体系进行了探索。

    The construction of the course system is studied .

  23. 这样的自然地理背景赋予福建特有的人文地理特征。

    This physical geographic background endows it with its own human geographic characters .

  24. 高师人文地理课程考试改革探索

    On the Reform of Humane Geography Course Exam in ation in Normal College

  25. 深化教学改革,提高人文地理教学质量

    Deepening the Reformation of Teaching , Heightening the Teaching Quality of Human Geography

  26. 20世纪80年代以来人文地理研究进展及趋向分析

    Progress and trend of human geography since 1980s

  27. 城市体系研究是人文地理研究的重要领域。

    The research of Urban System is still important study fields in Human geography .

  28. 人文地理辞典区位理论空间分析

    Dictionary of Human Geography Location Theory Spatial AnaLysis

  29. 就是地名在自然地理教学中的应用和人文地理教学中的应用。

    The place names applied in the teaching of physical geography and human geography .

  30. 高师地理专业人文地理课程设置的探讨

    On Curriculum of Human Geography of Geographical Speciality in Teachers College & Normal University